| - She indicates that she is a cat because of some spell gone wrong, saying: "Hm, I would teach you, but I guess I should keep my paws off spells for a while," when asked about spells.
- She indicates that she is a cat because of some spell gone wrong, saying: "Hm, I would teach you, but I guess I should keep my paws off spells for a while," when asked about spells.
- This NPC was implemented in Update 8.4. She helps newcomers find their way around Yalahar by marking important places such as the Depot and the Bank in the players' automap and escorting players to the Depot.
- Este NPC foi implementado no Update 8.4. Ele auxilia os forasteiros para encontra seu caminho em Yalahar fazendo marcações em lugares importantes como o Depot e o Bank no minimapa dos jogadores e escoltando os jogadores para o Depot.
- Ela diz que é uma gata por causa de alguma magia que saiu errado, diz: "Hm, I would teach you, but I guess I should keep my paws off spells for a while," quando é perguntada sobre magias.
- She helps newcomers find their way around Yalahar by marking important places such as the Depot and the Bank in the players' automap and escorting players to the Depot.