| - An explosion erupts from inside the Master Emerald Chamber, seen from New Mobotropolis to Albion. Super Sonic and Enerjak then fly from the chamber with Super Sonic taunting Enerjak. Enerjak gets fed up, and tries to blast Super Sonic with an energy beam, but it has no effect on him due to his invulnerability. Meanwhile, Julie-Su and Locke are watching the battle from Angel Island's surface, the former in shock that Sonic survived a very powerful attack, the latter still bent out of shape over his ruined plan. Julie-Su immediately tells him he had many chances to destroy the son he hated, which shocks Locke. Just as he is about to say his piece, Archimedes tells him that they were just as guilty for Knuckles' state, if not more. Julie-Su and Archimedes then proceed to the newly created Shrine Isle, leaving a stunned Locke behind. On another part of the island, the Destructix are watching the two opponents trading blows. Sleuth immediately tells the other members they're done on the island since Finitevus only paid them to keep watch over the Anti-Enerjak Weapon that Sonic destroyed, and commands the Destructix to fall back. As the members leave through Sleuth's Warp Ring, Fiona asks Scourge if he's coming, which he replies that he has a better idea. He states that he's been wondering who he is now and what he can do since his brief discussion with Sonic in the forest. He then takes out his Warp Ring (which was supercharged with energy from the Master Emerald) and activates it, stating he knows where to find those answers, and goes through it with Fiona in tow. In the air, Super Sonic and Enerjak are still battling over the island, with the former still trying to get through to the latter. Enerjak then attempts to finish Super Sonic by teleporting him underground, but Super Sonic then emerges, spindashing him. Enerjak then fruitlessly uses Thunder Arrow, but it proves to be ineffective, and they then physically attack each other. Super Sonic then realizes that his positive aura has had little effect on the dark magic Knuckles is under. Meanwhile, on Angel Island's surface, Julie-Su and Archimedes confront Finitevus, the former demanding that he return Knuckles to normal. Finitevus then states he can't even if he wanted to, explaining that he "locked" his hex and that only a life sacrifice can break it. As Julie-Su approaches the Master Emerald, Archimedes stops her, saying he will do it. Locke then appears, saying that Knuckles will still need of Archimedes' consul, and that he wanted to be the one to save his son. Finitevus then intervenes by attacking the trio. After a brief battle, Archimedes teleports Finitevus away, giving Locke time to perform the ritual. Before he does, he tells Julie-Su the reason for the Brotherhood's methods. He then gets on the Master Emerald and performs the ritual to break the hex and restore Knuckles to normal, sacrificing his life in the process. Sonic then lowers Knuckles on the island, where he is told by a tearful Julie-Su of his father's fate as an enraged Finitevus reappears, only for him to be attacked and knocked onto the edge of the island by a vengeful Knuckles, who demands he get back up. Instead, Finitevus lets himself drop and escapes in one of his Warp Rings. Julie-Su then tells Knuckles they need to return to New Mobotropolis, but Knuckles refused, stating that he is the last Guardian of Angel Island, and that he will protect the Master Emerald alone if he has to.