| - The Bronze King is a villian in Lemuria.
- In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, House Royce also held the title "Bronze King" before and during the Andal Invasion. The crown they bore was known as the Runic Crown. The First Men of the Vale were divided among several petty kingdoms, but as the Andal invasion continued they united under the Royces as over-kings of all the remaining First Men. This stemmed the Andal invasion for a time, but they were eventually defeated in the Battle of the Seven Stars. Notable kings of this dynasty included:
- Once, he was King. He ruled over Lemuria with more wisdom than any one man could ever boast. He was wise, just and in possession of the vast arcane secrets of his underwater kingdom. That was before he went mad. But the seeds of his madness were sown long ago. For the Bronze King was no mortal king, was no single consciousness. He was the result of sorcery, science and human sacrifice. He was never born of mortal woman, but was born, instead, of Civil War.
| - In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, House Royce also held the title "Bronze King" before and during the Andal Invasion. The crown they bore was known as the Runic Crown. The First Men of the Vale were divided among several petty kingdoms, but as the Andal invasion continued they united under the Royces as over-kings of all the remaining First Men. This stemmed the Andal invasion for a time, but they were eventually defeated in the Battle of the Seven Stars. Notable kings of this dynasty included:
* Yorwyck Royce, Sixth of That Name.
* Robar Royce, Second of That Name, the last of the Bronze Kings.
- The Bronze King is a villian in Lemuria.
- Once, he was King. He ruled over Lemuria with more wisdom than any one man could ever boast. He was wise, just and in possession of the vast arcane secrets of his underwater kingdom. That was before he went mad. But the seeds of his madness were sown long ago. For the Bronze King was no mortal king, was no single consciousness. He was the result of sorcery, science and human sacrifice. He was never born of mortal woman, but was born, instead, of Civil War. Tens of thousands of years ago, in Lemuria’s last Civil War, a sorcerous cabal captured and dethroned the last of the Priest-Kings. After centuries of strife, they had learned that the gods of the Priest-King were completely false. In anger, they gathered all the false priests and sacrificed each one by slowly lowering him into a magical construct full of viscous green liquid. That liquid disintegrated flesh and bone, freeing the souls of the sacrificed to be gathered and devoured by the Bleak Ones, but capturing all the memories of the dead priests. Last to be sacrificed was the Priest-King, with all of his knowledge of Lemurian history and magic. Thus was the birth of the Bronze King. Standing sixty feet tall, he wore three faces: the falcon for matters of magic, the lion for matters of war and the last face was that of a child for matters of ruling his people. For thousands of years, the Bronze King ruled well and justly. He carried all the knowledge of the sacrificed priests, but none of their mortal flaws and foibles. However, as magic in the world began to fade, the spell that allowed him to contain the minds of so many people began to weaken. He still retains all his knowledge, but he is completely mad. The Bronze King no longer rules Lemuria. Two hundred years ago, King Arvad took over Lemuria and used his magic to subjugate the Bronze King. It is only Arvad’s magic that controls the Bronze King and, at that, not perfectly. For so long as Arvad finds him useful, the Bronze King serves as historian and advisor. Arvad has not yet used him as a weapon, but that day will come.