| - Starbase 16 was a Starfleet installation on Corinth IV in service in the 23rd century. (Starship Exeter: "The Tressaurian Intersection") The TOS comic "The Haunting of the Enterprise" shows this as a space-borne facility. In 2257, then-Lieutenant James Kirk diverted the USS Farragut to Starbase 16 for repairs after the encounter with the dikironium cloud creature. (TOS novel: Constitution) Sometime prior to stardate 3714.28, a damaged and unmanned Klingon battle cruiser was drifting towards Starbase 16. The USS Yorktown intercepted it before it reached the starbase. (Star Fleet Assembly Manual 2) Around stardate 5713.1, the Tressaurians used a gravity-wave device to destroy Starbase 16 and the USS Kongo. The Kongo managed to release a distress call, and the USS Exeter responded to the call to find both destroyed. (Starship Exeter: "The Tressaurian Intersection")
- In 2257, Lieutenant James T. Kirk had the USS Farragut divert to Starbase 16 for repairs following the death of 200 crewmembers after the encounter with a dikironium cloud creature. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Constitution) In an alternate timeline, the USS Enterprise docked at Starbase 16 for shore leave in 2269, after successfully stopping a second Federation-Klingon war. (TOS novel: Spock Must Die!) In 2269, the Great Starship Race to Gullrey was launched from Starbase 16. Following the race, the Enterprise docked at the base for structural repair following a high-warp pursuit of the ChR Red Talon. (TOS novel: The Great Starship Race) Not long after the V'Ger incident in mid-to-late 2273, the USS Enterprise repatriated a rescued Federation film archivist and a captured alien thought-enhancer to Starbase 16, following a failed attempt by the Klingon Empire to take control of the newly-refitted starship using the latter technology. (TOS comic: "The Haunting of the Enterprise!") In 2279, the Belle Terre Colonial Expedition was also launched from Starbase 16, with the Enterprise leading a large group of colonization vessels to Occult IV in Cluster Z-80. (TOS - New Earth novel: Wagon Train to the Stars)