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- Smilodon we're e of the most dangerous predators of their era. they got extinct 10,000 years ago. Smilodon is a new genus in the Machairodontinae subfamily. Smilodon lived in North America (in Alberta, Alaska, Northern Florida, Colorado and Los Angeles) during the Pleistocene to Holocene.
- Saber-tooth videos were a popular download from the time-viewer.
- Smilodon, also called "The Sabre-Tooth Cat", as well as previously and mistakenly called "The Sabre-Tooth Tiger", was the biggest and most powerful sabre-toothed cat of all times, and defiantly the most famous prehistoric cat. It lived in South America at 2.5 million to 100,000 years ago. Originally from North America, Smilodon came to South America 2 MYA and replaced the native hunters, Phorusrhacos, as top predators. Smilodon was between 100 to 500 kg depending on the species.
- The sabre-toothed cat (smilodon felinis) was top predator of north america in it's time; when north and south america combined the smilodon felinis moved down to south america taking over from the terra-(terror)birds (meaning earth or ground bird) phorusarhacus and evolving to become bigger, faster and stronger as smilodon populator. Image:Direwolf.jpgWhat possiblly could be wrong? This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Smilodons, or sabre-fanged tigers
- Smilodons are mostly found in the mountains of Dinotopia, but they have been seen living all over Dinotopia with their life partners and habitat partners.
- Smilodon (Saber Teeth) was a member of the felid family that lived in both Americas 3 - 1 million years ago. It had two large saber teeth that it used to stab its enemies to death, as they would break if it bit bone. The smilodon is not related to any living cat, and is related to other saber-tooths, like Homotherium, and Dinofelis. Smilodon counts as a cryptid because it has been spotted in the Andes Mountains of South America. It was a carnivore it ate animals like the Mammoths and other animals.It wounded the animal by using its sharp canine teeth.
- Saber-Toothed Cat Diet And Hunting: The Saber-Toothed Cat Eats Woolly Mammoths,Bison, Horses, and Ground Sloths. Food For Saber-Tooth Cubs: Grasses, Berries, Grasshoppers, and Spiders. Predators (When Young): Wolves, Bears, Mountain Lions, And Humans. Size: 25% More Than A Male Lion. Location: North America. Era: Late Pleistocene.
- Smilodon (or Sabre-toothed cat) was a predatory big cat, which lived in South and North America during the Pleistocene. As its name suggests, it had two large, saber-like teeth. Smilodon was the largest sabre-toothed cat, being up to two and a half metres long and weighing up to 400 kilograms.
- Smilodon is the genus name of the Sabertooth Tiger.
- thumb|307px|Smilodon con la boca abierta. De aspecto muy imponente, el mordisco del Smilodon era relativamente débil y sólo tenía, aproximadamente, un tercio de la potencia del de un león (su potencia de mordida era de solo 80 kg). Cazaba en solitario, poseía unas patas delanteras muy fuertes, que usaba para tumbar a la presa e inmovilizar a sus víctimas con una fuerte flexión de la cabeza permitida por una potente musculatura cervical, clavando sus temibles caninos en la garganta. La sangre dejaba de llegar al cerebro y la muerte se producía de manera inmediata. No necesitaba, por tanto, una mandíbula tan potente como los felinos actuales. Podía abrir su mandíbula hasta 120º y sus enormes colmillos alcanzaban los 17 cm de largo. Significado : Dientes de cuchilla Longitud : 2,5 metros
- Men of the Ice Age watched from a cautious distance when Smilodon, the so called "Saber-toothed Tiger," made his kills. Leaping upon huge moose-like deer or even onto the back of a giant Mastodon, Smilodon drove his nine-inch fangs into his victim, rendering them helpless. Smilodon was not a true tiger. He was very short-tailed. His bones were heavier, his whole body weightier and more powerful than even the largest tiger of today, which weighs about five hundred pounds.
- Smilodon (prononcé [smilɔdɔ̃]) est un genre de félidés qui vivaient en Amérique entre 2,5 millions d'années et 10 milliers d'années avant notre ère. Ils sont appelés smilodons ou tigre à dents de sabre, cette deuxième appellation étant étendue à d'autres machairodontinés. Semblable au lion, il était caractérisé par ses longues canines supérieures émergeant devant la mâchoire inférieure.
- Overall, Smilodon was more robustly built than any modern cat, with particularly well-developed forelimbs and exceptionally long upper canines. Its jaw had a bigger gape than modern cats and its upper canines were slender and fragile, being adapted for precision killing. These attributes made Smilodon a specialized hunter of large herbivores, such as bison and camels.
- In case you're wondering why Smilodon has appeared in so many movies, that may be because thousands of intact Smilodon skeletons have been extracted from the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, a stone's throw from Hollywood (the California variant of this genus, Smilodon californicus, is the official state fossil). By the way, the last specimen of Smilodon went extinct only 10,000 years ago; by then, primitive humans had figured out how to hunt co-operatively and killed off this dangerous creature once and for all. It also didn't hurt that these humans also hunted to extinction the giant, herbivorous megafauna that Smilodon preyed on.
- The Smilodon is unlocked in Carnivores Ice Age after the player earns 250 points. It is the most aggressive carnivore in the game, and rightly described as "extremely dangerous". The Smilodon will pounce at the player similar to an Allosaurus or similar carnivore from Carnivores 2. However, it is much closer to the Spinosaurus in terms of animation behavior due to it using idle animations.