| - ~NOTICE AoA has been down for a while now and I don't think it is coming back up. Thanks for all the good times here, even with the drama. ~Genji Age of Ascension is a Minecraft server that includes the wonderful Lord of the Rings mod (thank you Mevans) Launched Febuary 10th 2016, we are heavily PvP and war orientated, having brutal consequences for the defeated, but great rewards for victors, we also value RP as a main component but we are not overly strict on RP decisions, as this is Minecraft after all, not Middle Earth. Even though we are based around combat, there is still a place for all the builders and pacifists out there, we have a Builder rank for experienced builders that wish to create all kinds of places whether it be lore inspired or one of your own design.
| - ~NOTICE AoA has been down for a while now and I don't think it is coming back up. Thanks for all the good times here, even with the drama. ~Genji Age of Ascension is a Minecraft server that includes the wonderful Lord of the Rings mod (thank you Mevans) Launched Febuary 10th 2016, we are heavily PvP and war orientated, having brutal consequences for the defeated, but great rewards for victors, we also value RP as a main component but we are not overly strict on RP decisions, as this is Minecraft after all, not Middle Earth. Even though we are based around combat, there is still a place for all the builders and pacifists out there, we have a Builder rank for experienced builders that wish to create all kinds of places whether it be lore inspired or one of your own design. Owner/Funder: SerialDollface Owners: MattStrzok, ConsulScipio, Lord_Agandaur Admins:SpazX, MattFuFu Moderators: Itz_Swishly Helpers: Enderenchantress,__Genji___, Pkedar Builders: Enderborn_Girl, Fish_Mooney, BloodDragonKing Feel free to follow our facebook page which will be our main source of updating the community about our server, there we will announce events, staff changes, rule changes and server updates Server IP: