| - Rattrap was one of the original Maximals who crash landed on prehistoric Earth with Optimus Primal, Rhinox and Cheetor. He took the form of a rat and took the name "Rattrap". When Dinobot joined the Maximals, Rattrap immediately disapproved of it and from then on, he and Dinobot would just about argue in every episode, with Rattrap calling Dinobot 'chopper face' and him calling Rattrap 'rodent' or 'vermin'. As the smallest and lightest, Optimus and later in the season, Airazor would carry him. In "Chain of Command", a mysterious alien device brought Optimus into another dimension, but could still contact with the others and he recruited Rattrap as temporary leader which angered Dinobot. In "Double Jeopardy", Rattrap accidentally allowed the Predacons to take a stasis pod who would soon bec
| - Rattrap was one of the original Maximals who crash landed on prehistoric Earth with Optimus Primal, Rhinox and Cheetor. He took the form of a rat and took the name "Rattrap". When Dinobot joined the Maximals, Rattrap immediately disapproved of it and from then on, he and Dinobot would just about argue in every episode, with Rattrap calling Dinobot 'chopper face' and him calling Rattrap 'rodent' or 'vermin'. As the smallest and lightest, Optimus and later in the season, Airazor would carry him. In "Chain of Command", a mysterious alien device brought Optimus into another dimension, but could still contact with the others and he recruited Rattrap as temporary leader which angered Dinobot. In "Double Jeopardy", Rattrap accidentally allowed the Predacons to take a stasis pod who would soon become Blackarachnia and Optimus accused Rattrap of being a Predacon spy. After a series of misunderstandings, Rattrap won his trust back. In the next episode, Blackarachnia rewired the Maximal base and Rattrap snuck inside to re-rewire it back to normal. An explosion occurred in the process and the Maximals believed Rattrap was dead. Rhinox said Rattrap was his best friend and an alive Rattrap was flattered to hear that. In the two part special about the floating island, Optimus brought Rattrap with him to help Tigatron and Airazor in stopping Blackarachnia from destroying the world with the island. In "the Low Road", Dinobot and Rattrap's arguing led to a point where they had to work together. They had to find Tarantulas whose latest invention gave Rhinox a continuous Energon cold. The arguing along the way was worse than before but they did knock out Tarantulas. In part 1 of the season finale, Rattrap, Optimus and Airazor found an alien base and engaged in a non weapon fight with Waspinator. In part 2, he painfully watched Optimus sacrifice himself to stop the alien explosion.