| - Diagon is a dastardly villain.
- Diagon was a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.
- Es el segundo lider de gimnasio de Persia, usa Pokemon de Tipo Acero, al vencerlo te da la Medalla Metal (Metal Badge) y la MT Cabeza de Roca
- Diagon is an extra-dimensional demonic entity who tried to invade this dimension with the help of his Lucubra army during Earth's medieval era. He was banished back to his dimension when Sir George defeated him by cutting out his heart with Ascalon, a powerful weapon given to him by Azmuth nearly one thousand years ago.
- E' una creatura aliena che si presenta sia come un'enorme polipo sia come un Drago. (attenzione il personaggio non è ancora apparso in italia)
- Diagon (Dagón en España) se cree que visitó la Tierra hace muchos años y le dio a los Humanos tecnología avanzada. Se cree que juró regresar a la Tierra y llevar la "Edad de Oro". Dijo que traeria tecnología alienígena para la Tierra sin ninguna guerra, ninguna enfermedad, una paz justa. Vilgax fue confundido y más tarde pretendió ser Diagon en el Círculo de la Llama Eterna .
- Diagon is the major antagonist in Ben 10: Utlimate Alien, serving as the main antagonist of season 3. He is an extra-dimentional demonic deity who took a form of a dragon. Diagon is the founder of two modern day religious cults known as the Flame Keepers' Circle and the Esoterica who believed that he have visited Earth many years ago and gave humans advanced technology. He is believed to have sworn to come back to Earth and bring the "Golden Age". He said he will bring alien tech so Earth would have no war, no disease, just peace. Vilgax was mistaken for and later pretended to be Diagon in "The Flame Keepers' Circle".
- Diagon is believed to have visited Earth many years ago and gave humans advanced technology. He is also believed to have sworn to come back to Earth to bring the "Golden Age". He claimed he would bring alien technology so that Earth will not have war, nor disease, just peace. Vilgax was mistaken for, and pretended to be Diagon in The Flame Keepers' Circle.