| - Jayfeather: Helloooo? Anyone there? Jayfeather: Hellllooooo!!!! Hollyleaf: Hey Jay Jayfeather: What the StarClan? Your supposed to be dead!!! Lionblaze: Hey bro. Hollyleaf: Hi Lioneh! Lionblaze: O.o Aren't you dead? Hollyleaf: IDK, am I? o.o Leafpool: Hey kittehs! Leafpool: Now thats no way to treat your mother. Leafpool: Your a moron Nightcloud: D= Dats not nice Leafpool: Who said I was nice? Nightcloud: ... Nightcloud: I don't know, who? Leafpool: -.- wow. Nightcloud: Echo...echo...echo..echooooooo Brambleclaw: O.o awkward... who is Brambleluvah? Brambleluvah: Pff. It's totally NOT Sandstorm...cuz, you know, she's Firestar's mate... Firestar: Brambleluvah? Brambleclaw: She's totally not Sandstorm. Firestar: ooooh. ok. Brambleluvah: Hey, Firestar, are you just as disappointed in our daughters as I am? I mean...QUACK! Firestar: Huh? Wait...SANDSTORM!!! only you would say quack! Brambleclaw: Awwwkward.... Firestar: oooh I'm gonna GET her... Brambleclaw: Riiiight.... Brambleclaw: Oh dear StarClan, help me... Berrynose: Hey, Brambleclaw? Brambleclaw? Brambleclaw? Brambleclaw? Brambleclaw? Brambleclaw? Brambleclaw: Hey, Berrynose? Berrynsoe: Yeah? Berrynose: Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Grayest of the Stripes: OMSC!! Berrynose!!! Nuuu! Grayest of the Stripse: Better. Silverstream: Hey, GrayehStripeh Grayest of the Stripes: O.O Silvery!!! Silverstream: There's a reason I died... Grayest of the Stripes: WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?