Nerd is a series of clothes found in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle and bought in underground outlet Airport 51.
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- Nerd
| - Nerd is a series of clothes found in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle and bought in underground outlet Airport 51.
- The Nerd is a random creature in If I Ran the Zoo. It is notable for its name being the first to skin potatoes.
- Nerd bezeichnet ein humanoides Säugetier der Gattung Homo instrumentum computatorium.
- I is a Nerd (actually I am more of a geek). PWN'd Nerd pwn n00bs. o yeah thats right me 1337h4xx0r. u n00b. Nerd likes things like comics, action figures, computers, etc. Geek and nerd can also be used almost interchangeably.
- Jasmin = Computerkind = Nerd. (aber ist das jetzt das Original oder die Fälschung???) Siehe auch: PC-Spiele
- 40px|leftNerd is een eigenschap in De Sims 4. Categorie:Eigenschappen van De Sims 4Categorie:Eigenschappen
- frame|nerd Nerd es un pokemon tipo normal de la Region de los Reyes.
- Nerd - osoba będąca połączeniem kujona i hakera. Nerda spotkać można niemal wyłącznie przed komputerem (czasami za nim, jeśli akurat coś podłącza). Za jego główny pokarm uważa się pizzę, hamburgery oraz Coca-Colę. Nerdy są z reguły miłe i przyjaźnie nastawione, ale ciężko ich spotkać poza naturalnym środowiskiem.
- Un nerd (prononcer noeud-hurd), dans le domaine des mythes de la culture cyber-urbaine, est un terme anglais désignant un tamagoshi à la fois socialement handicapé, passionné par des sujets liés au Zero et au Un et émotionnellement sinistré. Des études scientifiques ont prouvé qu'il n'y avait rien d'intéressant à démontrer sur les sujets nerd, ces derniers ne communiquant que par une suite non-finie de zeros et de uns. Cependant, le scientologue Bambi est tout de même parvenu à découvrir une chose intéressante à propos des nerds : le nerd serait en fait une variété de Fox-terrier sachant jouer aux échecs.
- I nerd (da "NevER-deaD", mai-morti, acronimo di Nobody Ever Really Dies) sono coloro che riescono a sopravvivere miracolosamente alle attività da loro praticate, che ricordiamo provocano il cancro o l'osteoporosi fulminante.
- Nerds are those smart people who have social problems. A good example of a nerd is Jaina Solo, however she was considered a cool nerd, one of those odd paradoxical few. Some but not all nerds are geeks. The rest are just strange. One of the biggest nerds is Darth Nerd, son of Darth Bill. Image:SG1Revealed.png This article is a stub by Supergeeky or one of his peddling minions that adore him. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, he'll personally destroy your planet.
- En nerd kan se ut som en helt vanlig person men har som oftest en velutviklet hjerne innenfor et eller flere tema. Ikke at alle andre personer ser nødvendigheten av å kunne disse tingene som nerdene kan før de faktsik støter på et prøblem som bare nerder kan løse. Nerder er også veldig glade i acronymer og har derfor definert NERD som Noen Eksperter Redder Deg, men ikke alle personer har vært helf fornøyde med dette acronymet og har kommet opp mer forslag som Nå Elsker Rune Deg eller Nuclear Extermination Radioactivity and Dogs.
- The NERD organization, also known as the National Endowment for Republicising Democrats, is an organization that (fully) supports our troops and intelligently follows the learned teachings of George W. Bush. Formed shortly after the end of the Time Before Terror, this organization is strongly commited to un-pussifying the American populace by reducing bleeding-heart, pacifist, and generally pussified tendencies.
- Nerd was an aptly named minor crew member on the S.S. Diarrhea, the ship of Captain Ahab. Nerd rarely talked on screen, and only had 3 appearances, the first of which he is getting smacked across the face by his best friend Tarzan II. The second is where he is listening to the discussion between Ahab and Ishmael. The third, and final, is where he is killed during the confrontation with Boris Takei, Hisa Takei's pet whale which guards the entrance to her underground fortress. The tail of Boris Takei lands on the back of the boat, crushing it. Though it is not confirmed if he is alive or dead, it is most likely that he is dead because it would be humanly impossible to survive such an impact.
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| - The NERD organization, also known as the National Endowment for Republicising Democrats, is an organization that (fully) supports our troops and intelligently follows the learned teachings of George W. Bush. Formed shortly after the end of the Time Before Terror, this organization is strongly commited to un-pussifying the American populace by reducing bleeding-heart, pacifist, and generally pussified tendencies. These heroes are not geek liberals in their mothers' dank basements (nor are they "the baddest dungeon masters ever"). No, they are in fact an elite group of ninjas who use their various ninja-y skills (including Jedi-rivaling mind control) to inform the general masses of the actual truth that the liberal media refuses to recognize. Such truth comes from one source and one source alone: their ever discreet secret ninja leader Dr. Stephen Colbert. Despite the fact that Colbert has not admitted to any ties with the NERDs, the way he moves behind his desk betrays his mad p3wning skillz that only true NERDs can attain. The NERDs are fully loyal to Stephen, who is (to protect his identity) known to them as the Greatest Oldest Dungeoneer, or G.O.D. for short. They follow his orders without question because they fight for his truthiness. The NERDs are constantly battling their nemesis, the Godless Evil Enemies of Khrist. The NERDs' victory is aided greatly by the fact that the GEEKs are losers without girlfriends.
- Nerd is a series of clothes found in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle and bought in underground outlet Airport 51.
- The Nerd is a random creature in If I Ran the Zoo. It is notable for its name being the first to skin potatoes.
- Nerd bezeichnet ein humanoides Säugetier der Gattung Homo instrumentum computatorium.
- I is a Nerd (actually I am more of a geek). PWN'd Nerd pwn n00bs. o yeah thats right me 1337h4xx0r. u n00b. Nerd likes things like comics, action figures, computers, etc. Geek and nerd can also be used almost interchangeably.
- Jasmin = Computerkind = Nerd. (aber ist das jetzt das Original oder die Fälschung???) Siehe auch: PC-Spiele
- 40px|leftNerd is een eigenschap in De Sims 4. Categorie:Eigenschappen van De Sims 4Categorie:Eigenschappen
- frame|nerd Nerd es un pokemon tipo normal de la Region de los Reyes.
- Nerd - osoba będąca połączeniem kujona i hakera. Nerda spotkać można niemal wyłącznie przed komputerem (czasami za nim, jeśli akurat coś podłącza). Za jego główny pokarm uważa się pizzę, hamburgery oraz Coca-Colę. Nerdy są z reguły miłe i przyjaźnie nastawione, ale ciężko ich spotkać poza naturalnym środowiskiem.
- En nerd kan se ut som en helt vanlig person men har som oftest en velutviklet hjerne innenfor et eller flere tema. Ikke at alle andre personer ser nødvendigheten av å kunne disse tingene som nerdene kan før de faktsik støter på et prøblem som bare nerder kan løse. Nerder er også veldig glade i acronymer og har derfor definert NERD som Noen Eksperter Redder Deg, men ikke alle personer har vært helf fornøyde med dette acronymet og har kommet opp mer forslag som Nå Elsker Rune Deg eller Nuclear Extermination Radioactivity and Dogs. Men selv om nerdene i seg selv er smarte på visse områder så betyr ikke dette nødvendigvis at de kan alt. De fleste nerder forstår seg på datamaskiner og ikke så mye på mennesker, akkurat som mennekser ikke forstår seg så mye på datamaskiner, eller nerder for den saks skyld. Nerder har dessuten andre vaner enn de fleste andre mennesker når det gjelder livsstil. Mens de fleste menneske faktisk prøver å møte folk i den virkelige verden så holder nerdene seg til møter over internett og sex på secondlife. Dette fører selvsagt til en reduksjon av mennesker på den overbefolkede planeten vår, noe som betyr at nerdene nok en gang hjelper til. Alt i alt så er nerdene en god ting for planeten vår. Og siden de stort sett er fredelige (så sant du da ikke fjerner strømtilførselen fra PCen hans) så går det fint ann å leve side om side med disse skapningene. Men husk på at du antageligvis kun får kontakt via internett.
- Un nerd (prononcer noeud-hurd), dans le domaine des mythes de la culture cyber-urbaine, est un terme anglais désignant un tamagoshi à la fois socialement handicapé, passionné par des sujets liés au Zero et au Un et émotionnellement sinistré. Des études scientifiques ont prouvé qu'il n'y avait rien d'intéressant à démontrer sur les sujets nerd, ces derniers ne communiquant que par une suite non-finie de zeros et de uns. Cependant, le scientologue Bambi est tout de même parvenu à découvrir une chose intéressante à propos des nerds : le nerd serait en fait une variété de Fox-terrier sachant jouer aux échecs.
- I nerd (da "NevER-deaD", mai-morti, acronimo di Nobody Ever Really Dies) sono coloro che riescono a sopravvivere miracolosamente alle attività da loro praticate, che ricordiamo provocano il cancro o l'osteoporosi fulminante.
- Nerds are those smart people who have social problems. A good example of a nerd is Jaina Solo, however she was considered a cool nerd, one of those odd paradoxical few. Some but not all nerds are geeks. The rest are just strange. One of the biggest nerds is Darth Nerd, son of Darth Bill. Image:SG1Revealed.png This article is a stub by Supergeeky or one of his peddling minions that adore him. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, he'll personally destroy your planet.
- Nerd was an aptly named minor crew member on the S.S. Diarrhea, the ship of Captain Ahab. Nerd rarely talked on screen, and only had 3 appearances, the first of which he is getting smacked across the face by his best friend Tarzan II. The second is where he is listening to the discussion between Ahab and Ishmael. The third, and final, is where he is killed during the confrontation with Boris Takei, Hisa Takei's pet whale which guards the entrance to her underground fortress. The tail of Boris Takei lands on the back of the boat, crushing it. Though it is not confirmed if he is alive or dead, it is most likely that he is dead because it would be humanly impossible to survive such an impact. Nerd was revealed to be alive and well, living with his wife Gretchen in Brooklen, New York City.
is Famiglia
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