| - This category is for all games that have been released on the UMD (Universal Media Disc) format, used primarily by the Sony PSP handheld console.
- April 11 Selection Bias: Professor Paul Huth will lead the discussion. April 18 Utility Theory: Professors Joe Oppenheimer and Piotr Swistak will the lead the discussion. Stay tuned for additional workshops. Additional Plans At the first GVPT quantitative politics meeting, we discussed holding a set of workshops on particular substantive topics of interest during the Spring Semester. Here is the list of Ideas. Please put your name down if you are interested in participating. If you are willing to take the lead to organize a workshop, please put a star (*) next to your name. If no one takes the lead, it won’t happen -- end of story. If someone else has already offered to lead, great, you can too. Star your name as well, and contact the existing person to make your plans! 1.
* time-series 2.
* Participants: 3.
* Potential Speakers: 4.
* intro to logic 5.
* Participants: 6.
* Speakers: 7.
* Joe Oppenheimer (suggested, not confirmed) 8.
* Piotr Swistak (suggested, not confirmed) 9.
* agent-based modeling 10.
* Participants: Steve Wendel (*) 11.
* Speakers: 12.
* Catherine Dibble 13.
* Tim Gulden (suggested, not confirmed) 14.
* spatial/GIS analysis
* Participants:
* Potential Speakers: 15.
* The R computing language.
* Participants:
* Potential Speakers: