Most recently, Scooby met Xaq in an ancient pyramid in an alternate world and began following him. He helped Xaq solve a temporal puzzle by urinating in one room in the past, leading to the creation of an ecosystem full of monkeys who worshiped Scooby in the future. One of these, known only as the Monkey-like Thing, joined the group and became Scooby's companion. (Series 2: "Ginkus' Gift")
Scooby is a GMC-Nissan Doberman drone owned and operated by Ma1nfram3.
Most recently, Scooby met Xaq in an ancient pyramid in an alternate world and began following him. He helped Xaq solve a temporal puzzle by urinating in one room in the past, leading to the creation of an ecosystem full of monkeys who worshiped Scooby in the future. One of these, known only as the Monkey-like Thing, joined the group and became Scooby's companion. (Series 2: "Ginkus' Gift")
Scooby is a GMC-Nissan Doberman drone owned and operated by Ma1nfram3.