| - Like the preceding Delta-class DX-9 transport, the ATR-6 had two general purpose warhead launchers, and a pair of forward-firing ion cannons. Both were designed to ferry troops into the combat zone to capture enemy craft. Unlike the Delta-class DX-9 transport, the ATR-6 has no frontal laser cannons. However, it more than made up for it with its four turrets, on the top, bottom, and both sides, which covered all arcs. This allowed the ATR-6 to fire upon its target without having to fly directly at it, giving it more opportunity to inflict damage. It also crucially enabled the ATR-6 to fend off all but the most concentrated starfighter attacks on its own. Its turrets, coupled with heavier shielding, and armor, allowed the ship to press attacks in the face of heavy fire, relying less upon supporting starfighters to soften up well defended targets.[2] The ATR-6 also featured stronger shields and a more heavily reinforced hull than the DX-9. While the DX-9 could be destroyed with a pair of proton torpedoes, it was reported that an ATR-6 could survive three hits from such warheads. A further development of the ATR-6 was the Beta-class ETR-3 escort transport. The ETR-3 retains the ATR-6's base hull, giving it approximately the same size same troop-carrying capacity. However, the ETR-3 has an additional dorsal pod, reintroduces frontal laser cannons, and has stronger shields and reinforced armor. The ATR-6, however, remained the mainstay of the forces already using it.
- Not to be confused with the Gamma-class Assault Shuttle, the Gamma-class ATR-6 Assault Transport is a heavily armed and shielded vessel produced by the Telgorn Corporation for transporting stormtroopers and conducting boarding actions against starships and space stations. Aside from heavy usage by the Galactic Empire, the ATR-6 has also fallen into the hands of various groups outside the government. Like the preceding Delta-class DX-9 Transport, the ATR-6 has two general purpose warhead launchers, and a pair of forward-firing ion cannons. Both are designed to ferry troops into the combat zone to capture enemy craft. Unlike the DX-9, the ATR-6 has no frontal laser cannons. However, it more than makes up for it with its four turrets, on the top, bottom, and both sides, which cover all arcs. This allows the ATR-6 to fire upon its target without having to fly directly at it, giving it more opportunity to inflict damage. It also crucially enables the ATR-6 to fend off all but the most concentrated starfighter attacks on its own. Its turrets, coupled with heavier shielding, and armor, allow the ship to press attacks in the face of heavy fire, relying less upon supporting starfighters to soften up well defended targets. The ATR-6 also features stronger shields and a more heavily reinforced hull than the DX-9. While the DX-9 can be destroyed with a pair of proton torpedoes, the ATR-6 can survive at least three hits from such warheads. The ATR-6 would eventually be developed further into the Beta-class ETR-3 Escort Transport, however the assault transport remains a popular vessel for boarding operations and still sees use throughout the Empire. In fact, the design is so popular that the Loris Empire developed a bomber variant known as the ATRB Assault Bomber.