| - Clown-a-Round is a character in the Super Mario series. He first appeared in Wario World. He is a clown that is fought in wonky Circus. His arena is two platforms connected by a tightrope. He will continuously cross between the two platforms. He can take off his 'head' and throw it at Wario. To attack him, Wario has to attack his real head and Power Throw him off of the stage.
- Clown-a-Round's apparent "head" is not really his head at all. Clown-a-Round will take off his "head" and fling it and others at Wario. The disembodied heads can still hop around and even float back up to the arena should they get punched off. The heads may charge up and ram Wario. Clown-a-Round usually lets his heads do the attacking; his only other attack is when Wario fails to grab onto a Glue Globe on the giant ball. Clown-a-Round will hurl the ball to the other platform, causing a huge explosion. Fortunately, two small alcoves can offer Wario protection from the attack. To damage him, Wario must wait for Clown-a-Round to begin throwing his heads around. His real face, located underneath where its heads were, will become vulnerable. Wario must attack him and Power Throw him off the stage. Whenever he loses a health skull, one of the glue globes on his big ball will fall off, making it harder for Wario to hitch a ride. When Clown-a-Round has only two health skulls left, he will lose his hat and reveal what appears to be a candle on his head. When beaten, he gives access to the boss of Spooktastic World, Dual Dragon. Clown-a-Round is the second of two mini-bosses in Spooktastic World, the first being Brawl Doll.