The episodes this season are called "scrolls". Every title is a combination of two nouns with the character "to" which represents the word "and", thus making every episode have two subjects of note. It should be mention that the second subject in the episode title has a tendency to be written in katakana, even if there is existing kanji.
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| - Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger Episodes
| - The episodes this season are called "scrolls". Every title is a combination of two nouns with the character "to" which represents the word "and", thus making every episode have two subjects of note. It should be mention that the second subject in the episode title has a tendency to be written in katakana, even if there is existing kanji.
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| - The episodes this season are called "scrolls". Every title is a combination of two nouns with the character "to" which represents the word "and", thus making every episode have two subjects of note. It should be mention that the second subject in the episode title has a tendency to be written in katakana, even if there is existing kanji. 1.
* Scroll 1: Wind and Ninja (風とニンジャ Kaze to Ninja) 2.
* Scroll 2: Giant and Karakuri (巨人とカラクリ Kyojin to Karakuri) 3.
* Scroll 3: An Impostor and 60 Seconds (ニセモノと60秒 Nisemono to Rokujūbyō) 4.
* Scroll 4: Tunnel and Siblings (トンネルと兄妹 Tonneru to Kyōdai) 5.
* Scroll 5: The Chief and the Bath (館長とお風呂 Kanchō to Ofuro) 6.
* Scroll 6: Scissors and Kunoichi (ハサミとくノ一 Hasami to Kunoichi) 7.
* Scroll 7: Thunder and Ninja (雷とニンジャ Ikazuchi to Ninja) 8.
* Scroll 8: Hayate and Ikazuchi (疾風(はやて)と迅雷(いかづち) Hayate to Ikazuchi) 9.
* Scroll 9: Thunder Brothers and the Hourglass (雷兄弟と砂時計 Ikazuchi Kyōdai to Sunadokei) 10.
* Scroll 10: The Thunder God and the Destroyed Valley (雷神と滅びの谷 Raijin to Horobiru no Tani) 11.
* Scroll 11: Dream Feast and Starting Anew (夢喰いと再出発 Yumekui to Saishuppatsu) 12.
* Scroll 12: Steel Frame and Father & Daughter (テッコツと父娘(おやこ) Tekkotsu to Oyako) 13.
* Scroll 13: Moustache and Engagement Ring (ヒゲと婚約指輪 Hige to Nin'yakuyubiwa) 14.
* Scroll 14: Crybaby and Candy (泣き虫とあめ玉 Nakimushi to Amedama) 15.
* Scroll 15: Giant Water Bug and Contest (タガメと争奪戦 Tagame to Sōdatsusen) 16.
* Scroll 16: Mist and Prediction Device (霧と予言装置 Kiri to Kanegoto Sōchi) 17.
* Scroll 17: Darkness and Death-Fight Island (暗闇と死闘の島 Kurayami to Shitō no Shima) 18.
* Scroll 18: Father and Brotherly Bonds (父と兄弟の絆 Chichi to Kyōdai no Kizuna) 19.
* Scroll 19: The Big Box and the Wind-Thunder Giant (大箱と風雷巨人 Dai Hako to Fūrai Kyojin) 20.
* Scroll 20: Punch and Rival (パンチと好敵手(ライバル) Panchi to Raibaru) 21.
* Scroll 21: Masks and Riddles (仮面とナゾナゾ Kamen to Nazonazo) 22.
* Scroll 22: Wings and Ninja (翼とニンジャ Tsubasa to Ninja) 23.
* Scroll 23: Cologne and the Great Detective (コロンと名探偵 Koron to Meitantei) 24.
* Scroll 24: Taiko and Lightning (タイコと稲妻 Taiko to Inazuma) 25.
* Scroll 25: Ghost and Schoolgirl (オバケと女学生 Obake to Jogakusei) 26.
* Scroll 26: Bow & Arrow and Sea Bathing (弓矢と海水浴 Yumiya to Kaisuiyoku) 27.
* Scroll 27: Skewers and Zero Gravity (串焼きと無重力 Kushiyaki to Mujūryoku) 28.
* Scroll 28: Hurrier and Counterattack (ハリアーと逆襲 Hariā to Gyakushū) 29.
* Scroll 29: Lingering Summer Heat and Stamp (残暑とスタンプ Zansho to Sutanpu) 30.
* Scroll 30: Idol and Friendship (アイドルと友情 Aidoru to Yūjō) 31.
* Scroll 31: Meteor and Three Wolves (流星と三匹の狼 Ryūsei to Sanbiki no Ōkami) 32.
* Scroll 32: The Grim Reaper and the Final Secret (死神と最終奥義 Shinigami to Saishū Okugi) 33.
* Scroll 33: Mammoth and Six People (マンモスと6人 Manmosu to Rokunin) 34.
* Scroll 34: Mushrooms and 100 Points (キノコと100点 Kinoko to Hyakuten) 35.
* Scroll 35: Sparkle and Shamisen (キラリと三味線 Kirari to Shamisen) 36.
* Scroll 36: Ring and Revenge (リングと復讐 Ringu to Fukushū) 37.
* Scroll 37: The Third Spear and the Great Escape (三の槍と大脱出 San no Yari to Dai Dasshutsu) 38.
* Scroll 38: Demon Sword and Balloons (魔剣とふうせん Maken to Fūsen) 39.
* Scroll 39: The Seventh Spear and the Mysterious Stone (七の槍と謎の石 Shichi no Yari to Nazo no Ishi) 40.
* Scroll 40: Decoy and Ninja Law (オトリと忍の掟 Otori to Nin no Oite) 41.
* Scroll 41: Medal and Comedian (メダルと漫才 Medaru to Manzai) 42.
* Scroll 42: Armor and Raging Arrow (鎧と怒りの矢 Yoroi to Ikari no Ya) 43.
* Scroll 43: Super Fusion and Big Clash (超合体と大激突 Chō Gattai to Dai Gekitotsu) 44.
* Scroll 44: Master Gozen and the Evil Fan Beast (御前様と凶扇獣 Gozen-sama to Kyō Ōgijū) 45.
* Scroll 45: Refuge and Spring Cleaning (隠れ家と大掃除 Kakurega to Ōsōji) 46.
* Scroll 46: New Year's Meal and Three Giants (おせちと三巨人 Osechi to San Kyojin) 47.
* Scroll 47: Seal and Space Unification (封印と宇宙統一 Fūin to Uchū Tōitsu) 48.
* Scroll 48: Trap and Eternal Life (罠と永遠の命 Wana to Eien no Inochi) 49.
* Scroll 49: Mission and the Heavenly Ninja (使命と天空忍者 Shimei to Tenkū Ninja) 50.
* Scroll 50: Darkness and a New World (暗黒と新世界 Ankoku to Shin Sekai) 51.
* Final Scroll: Wind, Water, and Earth (風と水と大地 Kaze to Mizu to Daichi) 1.
* Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger (忍風戦隊ハリケンジャーVSガオレンジャー Ninpū Sentai Harikenjā Tai Gaorenjā) 2.
* Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: Shushuuto the Movie (忍風戦隊ハリケンジャー シュシュッと THE MOVIE Ninpū Sentai Harikenjā Shushutto Za Mūbī) 3.
* Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger: Super Ninja and Super Kuroko (忍風戦隊ハリケンジャー スーパー忍者とスーパー黒子 Ninpū Sentai Harikenjā Sūpā Ninja to Sūpā Kuroko?, , Super Video (2002) 4.
* Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger vs. Hurricaneger (爆竜戦隊アバレンジャーVSハリケンジャー Bakuryū Sentai Abarenjā Tai Harikenjā) 5.
* Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: 10 YEARS AFTER (忍風戦隊ハリケンジャー: 10 YEARS AFTER Ninpū Sentai Harikenjā: Ten Iyāzu Afutā)