| - You arrive back at where you first met the fellow G27 clone unit. 'Have you completed your task?'
- You destroy the final Chrome Zealot and turn to face the G27 unit. It appears he did not fair well in this fight.
The G27 unit gasps for breath, holding his side while bleeding profusely from numerous wounds.
- You arrive at the entrance of the resurrection tower, which appears to be guarded by a number of automated sentry turrets. Before you can gain access to the control room you must destroy or disable all 5 sentry guns.
- You arrive back at the G27 unit, however as you approach his position you hear the thunder clatter of gunfire and brutal combat. Even with the additional firepower provided by the sentry guns, the clone is under attack by several organized squads of Chrome Zealots. A few lie dead at his feet. You draw your weapon and prepare to attack.
- You arrive at the second automated defense emplacement.
- You arrive back at the body of your clone brother. Seeing his dead body is a brutal reminder of Sharona Rai's reign. Suddenly with a thunderous roar the bomb within the ressurection tower explodes, massive chunks of reinforced concrete are ejected hundreds of feet into the air, however the tower itself refuses to collapse. The ressurection facility within the tower however appear to be destroyed, replaced by a flaming inferno. A large piece of concrete smashes into the high walls of the mountain east of the tower, it appears you now have access to a small cave. You turn to face your clone brother, confident Sharona Rai is now dead. You have avenged your brothers and sisters, a wry smile crosses your face.
- You spot a fellow G27 clone unit, he appears to be one of the few survivors of the slaughter at 101 Highridge HQ.
- You arrive in the main control room of the Resurrection Tower. On a nearby monitor it appears that a consciousness is currently being downloaded to a newly assembled Cyborg body. You must hurry and set the Quantum Bomb before the download has completed.
- You arrive at the final automated defense emplacement.
- You arrive back at the G27 unit, who appears to be completing the final stages of the blueprint. He looks at you. 'Did you manage to defeat Sharona Rai ?'
- You arrive at the third automated defense emplacement.
- You arrive at the first automated defense emplacement.