| - As in other games in the series, the Dock in Age of Mythology is a multi-functional building that stands half on water. It is where all ships are built, that is warships, transports and fishing ships. It also acts as a Food drop-off point for fishing ships – and as a harbor, since they can garrison there at any time. As with other buildings, Docks are built by Workers and Norse infantry; additionally, Egyptian fishing ships can build them, albeit slowly. The Dock is available to all civilizations.
| - As in other games in the series, the Dock in Age of Mythology is a multi-functional building that stands half on water. It is where all ships are built, that is warships, transports and fishing ships. It also acts as a Food drop-off point for fishing ships – and as a harbor, since they can garrison there at any time. All naval Myth Units are trained at the Dock, and it is where technologies that improve ships and naval myth units are researched. In the Titans Expansion, when a player completes an Age advancement, naval myth units specific to the worshiped minor god appear at the Dock, if applicable. For example, Njord worshipers gain a Kraken. As with other buildings, Docks are built by Workers and Norse infantry; additionally, Egyptian fishing ships can build them, albeit slowly. The Dock is available to all civilizations. In The Titans Expansion, Docks have a ranged attack that activates when Fishing Ships are garrisoned inside.