| - Renée Ratelle is one of Jacob's best friends. In the earlier episodes, she and Jacob had a rivalry and couldn't stand each other, but eventually became closer friends. She often exclaims things with French phrases. She rides a skateboard, which has earned her the nick-name 'Rattlesnake Ratelle'. She is the most intelligent student at Dreary Meadows. Renee speaks with a French accent, including using French phrases.
- Renée is a cute little "vegetarian" girl who appears in MySims Galaxy and MySims Townies. She has also been confirmed for MySims MorcuWorld and MySims Fusion, but no more information has been given about her.
- Renée (ユメコ, Yumeko en japonais, Rhonda en anglais, Roby en italien, Regina en allemand, Ronda en espagnol) est un rhinocéros femelle apparaissant comme villageoise a partir d' Animal Crossing: Wild World.
- Renée is a cute girl who loves pigs and other animals and owns a nature preserve called Renée's Nature Preserve. According to her biography, ever since she saw a baby pig at a petting zoo, she vowed never to eat meat again. However, when you talk with her at night when she's on her nature preserve island, she murmurs sleepily about a secret craving for bacon. She also visits your town and the town that host festivals. She is also a recruit for the SPA in MySims Agents.
- Renée has helped out Sonia the Hedgehog when the Sonic Underground were captured while carrying out a mission in the town.