| - Having knocked Big Barda and Fire out with the stolen Mega-Rod, a street punk blasts Mister Miracle and teleports away. The Huntress happens upon him and confronts him, leading to him blasting a group of police officers. Barda, Miracle, and Fire regain consciousness and give chase. Meanwhile, Oberon has a somewhat awkward conversation with Mayor Koch.
As Miracle and Barda once again confront the warped young man, he begins to declare his allegiance to Apokolips. Fire encounters Huntress in the shadows, who has a plan to defeat the corrupted punk.
Fire is next to face him. Now physically wasting away as the Mega-Rod saps his life force, he quickly dispatches Fire. While he is distracted, Huntress, in flight thanks to Mister Miracle, plants a crossbow arrow in his left thigh. A second shot penetrates his right wrist, causing him to drop the Mega-Rod. The rod lands control-side down, causing a powerful blast to fire into the punk's face, killing him. Mister Miracle laments the fate of the young man, whom he had hoped to release from Darkseid's thrall. Huntress gives her consent, but turns away smirking, implying that she had actually planned his demise.
Later, Mister Miracle gives Max Lord a debriefing. Max later shows up at Helena's apartment to offer the Huntress League membership, which she refuses by continuing to deny her identity. Max ignores her efforts and finally gains her agreement through a psychic push, causing him to have a nosebleed.