| - Although similar to humans, they have long extensive lifespan that are hundreds, or maybe thousands of years and have lived on Earth since they first arrived. Banshees exist in female form only, they can have progeny (Sh'rian is the daughter of Queen Mab), however it is not revealed how exactly they procreate, it might be some sort of mystical parthenogenesis. bonded for life, even share their lifespan. There are many Banshee who have hair colours such as pink, purple, green and white.
| - Although similar to humans, they have long extensive lifespan that are hundreds, or maybe thousands of years and have lived on Earth since they first arrived. Banshees exist in female form only, they can have progeny (Sh'rian is the daughter of Queen Mab), however it is not revealed how exactly they procreate, it might be some sort of mystical parthenogenesis. Their collective life force is bound to a magical tree from their home realm, which they refer to as the Tree of Light where every individual banshee is physically represented by some sort of glowing 'light fruit' in humanoid form. If the banshee dies, in turn the glowing body-shaped fruit will dissolve. They possess several capabilities, including teleportation, energy blasts, flight and the ability to predict when someone will die, which led to the Irish legend about them. In group flight they can form a camouflaged single entity, some sort of amoeboid energy bubble. They also have telepathic abilities to go into someone's mind but as a result this would make them and that individual bonded for life, even share their lifespan. There are many Banshee who have hair colours such as pink, purple, green and white. To be capable of travelling through space the Banshee can merge into a single gestalt-form of a 'ship' made up of energy.