| - Connor McScap, formerly Dr. Connor McScap, is an inmate at Danville Prison, and cell mate and close friend to Dirty Matt. he is very kind, sociable, and friendly, not at all the kind of person you would expect to find in a prison. He is usually seen talking to and hanging out with Matt in prison, and also helps him break out in openings he has found. He himself does not try to break out because he wants to "pay [his] depth to society like a good law-abiding citizen."
| - Connor McScap, formerly Dr. Connor McScap, is an inmate at Danville Prison, and cell mate and close friend to Dirty Matt. he is very kind, sociable, and friendly, not at all the kind of person you would expect to find in a prison. He is usually seen talking to and hanging out with Matt in prison, and also helps him break out in openings he has found. He himself does not try to break out because he wants to "pay [his] depth to society like a good law-abiding citizen." In "Dirty Matt Returns", it is revealed that he use to be a Cardiac surgeon, but when operating on a few patients, he cracked under the stress and his fingers holding the scapel would slip, cutting or severing an important organ or blood capilary, killing the patient. To try to hide what he had done, Connor hid the corpses in the janitor's closet. He also edited the tapes on the security cameras he was caught on, and locked his nurses in the closet so they would not tell on him. Eventually, however, Dr. Hirano (Stacy's mom) found out about the bodies after hearing the nurses' muffled shouts in the closet. Connor was then stripped of his M.D., and sentenced to serve 3 years in Danville Prison. Connor does not blame Dr. Hirano for his arrest (much to Matt's surprise), saying that "Someone was going to find out and sell [him] out eventually, and it just happened to be her".