| - Gondor (Westron: Abenzain, Sindarin: Gondor, Quenya:Ondonóre) is a constitutional monarchy situated on the western coast of Middle Earth. It borders Andrast to the west, Rohan to the north, Mordor to the east, and Harondor (modern Endor) to the southeast. To the south, it has a long coastline at the Bay of Belfalas. Gondor is a major world power, and currently is at war with its eastern neighbours (the lands east of the Anduin river are under Mordorian and Harondorian occupation).
| - Gondor (Westron: Abenzain, Sindarin: Gondor, Quenya:Ondonóre) is a constitutional monarchy situated on the western coast of Middle Earth. It borders Andrast to the west, Rohan to the north, Mordor to the east, and Harondor (modern Endor) to the southeast. To the south, it has a long coastline at the Bay of Belfalas. The earliest known inhabitants of Gondor are the Druedain; later during the Second age, Gondor was populated by various Daen tribes, and also colonised by the Numenorians. One of the Numenorian factions, known as the Dúnedain have founded the realm of Gondor at the end of the Second Age. Gondor is a major world power, and currently is at war with its eastern neighbours (the lands east of the Anduin river are under Mordorian and Harondorian occupation). <default>Gondor (modern Endor)</default> Capital Official language Demonym Population Currency Government Head of State Head of Government Legislature