| - Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is FFEFD5
- Albino (* 17. Dezember 1974 in Lübeck;[1] bürgerlich Matthias Albrecht) ist ein deutscher Rapper, der neben seiner Musikkarriere auch als Aktivist der Tierrechtsbewegung in Erscheinung tritt. Bislang veröffentlichte er vier Solo- und drei Kollaborationsalben. Seit Mitte der 2000er erreichte sein musikalisches Wirken zunehmend die Aufmerksamkeit szeneinterner Medien.
- Albino animals are animals that lack pigment, giving them white fur and pink eyes. This makes them rare and vulnerable.
- The mutant is weakened and enervated. Its skin becomes a dead white skin and it develops glowing red eyes. Reduce T by -½.
- If blondes have more fun, albinos must be having the time of their lives. Albinos are an easy target for cheap, insensitive jokes due to their poor representation in society and the relatively harmless (though embarrassing) nature of their disfiguration (see also dwarves, red-heads and real estate agents). Albinos can regenerate limbs after injury. The only common thread that ties together the web of albino experience is a constant barrage of infantile wisecracks by puerile dilettantes who are under the misapprehension that by doing so they are being obscure and yet at the same time politically risqué. Albinos fluoresce readily when exposed to ultra-violet light.
- Albino(Clock) is a white clock used a proxy to infuriate furries on the Furry Fanatics forum. He is a moderator on the clock crew homepage. He also goes by the name "Alabaster clockley."
- Albino (Rolf, en inglés) es un vecino tigre gruñón.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Albino]] albus/alba via [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Albino]] albino, "whitish". Wikipedia
- O Albino é um assassino misterioso. Foi caçado pelo Esquadrão do Inferno nos eventos que desencadearam a chegada da Tormenta sobre Arton.
- The Albino (also known as Qagh) was a criminal who came to be the nemesis of Curzon Dax, Kor, Koloth and Kang when he killed the firstborn of the three Klingons.
- Albino (アルバイノ Arubaino) is a character in the fanfictional series Bakugan: Tech Brawlers.
- Een albinopaard is een paard met albinisme, een mutatie in de genen waardoor er geen pigment wordt aangemaakt. Het komt bij veel diersoorten voor. Bij paarden is het haar inclusief dat van manen en staart puur wit en de huid roze. De ogen zijn vaak bleekblauw, maar soms donkerder. Albinisme kan bij alle paardenrassen spontaan optreden, al gebeurt dit maar zelden. In de Verenigde Staten worden ze sinds 1937 gefokt onder auspiciën van de American Albino Horse Club. Ze zijn allemaal afstammelingen van een enkele hengst, een Saddle Horse, die in 1907 werd geboren.
- HIS HISTORY / BIOGRAPHY : - In the past, he was the richest rancher in all the city where he lived, then 4 years later a group of pirates attack his island and destroy all the city, killed all the people and destroyed his ranch. After that day, he become a pirate too and he become well known in all the Grand Line as a "Black Killer", becuse he kill everyone who stand on his way. When he become famous, his bounty grow up to File:Bsymbol.gif88,000,000. One day he decide to sail to the New World to become powerful and after 3 years of voyage, he arrived to the New World and after 2 months he conquest an island. In this island he create his own headquarters, but 10 days later his island become under attack of the Clown pirates and they try to destroy his headquarters. Albino decide to stop the
- Ein Albino ist ein Lebewesen, dessen äußeres Erscheinungsbild sich aufgrund fehlender Pigmentierung und der dadurch bedingten helleren Haut-, Haar- und Augenfarbe von anderen Individuen seiner Spezies unterscheidet. Der zeitreisende Androide Data wird aufgrund seiner unnatürlich blassen Hautfarbe von einem Reporter des 19. Jahrhunderts der Erde als Albino beschrieben. (TNG: )
- Albino Humans were said to be paler than Chevs. The Skakoans worshiped an Albino Cyclops The Wookiee Tojjevvuk was an albino who battled Chewbacca over the right to court the Wookiee female Mallatobuck. During the fight, he fell into the Shadowlands where his white fur made him easy prey for the many predators inhabiting the region. Another albino Wookiee, Katykam, was killed on the planet Najarka when his client, Crying Dawn Singer was kidnapped by people who wished to create a rift between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Shashay, Crying Dawn Singer's people. Oraalarri was also an albino Wookiee, who sought to spread the ideals of Life Day. The Rodian clan leader, Jannik the White, was also an albino. Vianna D'Pow was an albino Zeltron bounty hunter during the Rise of the Emp