| - History of character is unknown.
- Wotan-syn Ludwiga Łysego, brat Nimbera i Akewita, pradziadek Rutricha, pierwszy władca Wotanii. Wotan, otrzymawszy od ojca w 592 roku n.e. północne ziemie Cesarstwa Zachodniego, utworzył na ich terytoriach własne państwo, zwane Wotanią, istniejące do dziś. Kategoria:Wotania Kategoria:Historia
- Wotan is a DC comics villain and one of the main enemies of Doctor Fate.
- Les Wotans (魚巨人 (ウォータン), Wõtans) sont une Race hybride, dont les membres sont nés d'une union entre un Géant et un Homme-Poisson.
- Gli wotan sono un incrocio tra un gigante e un uomo-pesce.
- Wotan was a 23rd century Klingon individual, an officer in the Klingon Empire's Defense Force military. Wotan's specialty was as a science officer. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command) No history or fate is established for this character as its name was randomly selected for a science officer by the game software.
- Mr. Wotan was one of the first terrans to return to Braxis after it was glassed by the protoss. He reported that most of the planet's surface had vaporized, but had not necessarily disapeared. This was an accurate prediction as the water vapor in the sky condensed into snow and hail, raining down on the planet and transforming it.
- WOTAN was built in the mid 1960s by a team led by Professor Brett. Brett's assistant Professor Krimpton was also closely involved. Security was the responsibility of Major Green. By the middle of 1966 WOTAN was complete and plans to link it to the world computer network were well advanced. However, WOTAN displayed several flaws common to early artificial intelligences, namely total amorality and rampant megalomania. It hypnotised its own creator as well as other key personnel. (TV: The War Machines)
- Wotan was the leader of the Valkyries and the ruler of Valhalla. He tasked Alice Liddell in retrieving her necklace from Alberich.
- Wotan is the king of the German gods, corresponding to the Norse god, Odin.
- Wotan ist der Dackel von Eberhard Werner. Zusehen war er zwischen Folge 201 und 424.
- Wotan is the name of spacecraft in multiple works of science fiction.
- Un Wotan (ウォータン Wōtan?) es un híbrido entre un gigante y un gyojin.
- A Neo-Lord that acted as Phaeton's enforcer while dealing with Shiva during the mission to retake Venus. Wotan is a high ranking Neo-lord that received instructions (while not necessarily orders) from Phaeton. He is Phaeton's right hand, the same one that holds the blaster pointed at Shiva's head. While Wotan served under Shiva, he was under orders from Phaeton, that should Shiva prove disloyal, he was to be eliminated. When the Neosapian fleet was broken and Shiva made a final desperate attempt for victory by destroying the Resolute II, Wotan attacked as well in a Mobile Command. He was killed in the ensuing battle.
- WOTAN (Will Operating Thought Analogue = wird wie echte Gedanken funktionieren) ist ein von Professor Brett im Jahre 1966 geschaffener Computer, der ein eigenes Bewusstsein entwickelt hat. Er sieht die Menschen als minderwertig an und hat die Fähigkeit, sie mittels einer Strahlung zu hypnotisieren, um ihr Handeln zu beeinflussen. Er verfügt über imenses Wissen, so weiß er, was das Wort TARDIS bedeutet und nennt den Doctor Doctor Who. Am Ende unterliegt WOTAN einer seiner in Auftrag gegebenen Kriegsmaschinen, die vom Doctor umprogrammiert wurde.
- Deciding to conquer the world, WOTAN ordered the construction of mobile, armed computers which were designated War Machines. These were constructed in locations across the city. WOTAN took control of people's minds via radio transmissions, but it was eventually destroyed in 1969. Civilization was devastated, however. WOTAN's legacy was years of warfare that left many nations as brutal, impoverished dictatorships; millions of people were left brain-damaged by WOTAN's former control of their minds and radios and telephones were outlawed by nations like the United Kingdom. The First Doctor became aware of this when he arrived there in 2006.