| - American Star is an American animated sitcom that aired from 1994–1996, created by Peter Engel and developed by Max Thomas. The sitcom is based on the superhero characters created by Marvel Comics and Peter Engel from Saved by the Bell. Melvin Productions (Season 1), Melvin Films (Season 1-3) animation and produced it along with Breakthrough Films and Television, Organ Entertainment, Peter Engel Productions, NBC Productions and Thunderstone Television for Oliver Television Inc.
- American Star is an American animated sitcom that aired from 1994–1996, created by Peter Engel and developed by Max Thomas. The sitcom is based on the superhero characters created by Marvel Comics and Peter Engel from Saved by the Bell. Melvin Productions (Season 1), Charles Hill Films (Season 2-3) animation and produced it along with Breakthrough Films and Television, Organ Entertainment, Peter Engel Productions, NBC Productions and Thunderstone Television for Oliver Television Inc.
| - American Star is an American animated sitcom that aired from 1994–1996, created by Peter Engel and developed by Max Thomas. The sitcom is based on the superhero characters created by Marvel Comics and Peter Engel from Saved by the Bell. Melvin Productions (Season 1), Melvin Films (Season 1-3) animation and produced it along with Breakthrough Films and Television, Organ Entertainment, Peter Engel Productions, NBC Productions and Thunderstone Television for Oliver Television Inc.
- American Star is an American animated sitcom that aired from 1994–1996, created by Peter Engel and developed by Max Thomas. The sitcom is based on the superhero characters created by Marvel Comics and Peter Engel from Saved by the Bell. Melvin Productions (Season 1), Charles Hill Films (Season 2-3) animation and produced it along with Breakthrough Films and Television, Organ Entertainment, Peter Engel Productions, NBC Productions and Thunderstone Television for Oliver Television Inc.