| - Aleena ist eine Asari-Kommado-Kämpferin, die eine erfolgreiche Karriere als Söldner eingeschlagen hat, und eine enge Freundin von Urdnot Wrex.
- The Aleena are a race of very small (0.8 meters tall) sapients native to planet Aleen.
- [Source] Les Aleenas étaient une espèce originaire de la planète Aleen dans la Bordure Médiane. Ce sont des petits êtres ne parlant pas le basic. Les Aleenas les plus connus sont Ratts Tyerell, pilote de module de course ainsi que Kazdan Paratus et Tsui Choi, deux Jedi. Durant la Guerre des Clones leur planète fut victime d'un tremblement de terre, une équipe de secours de la République Galactique fut envoyé, elle était notamment constituée des droïdes R2-D2 et C-3PO, étant là pour permettre la communication avec ce peuple.
- The Aleena were a species of short, sentient reptiles from the planet of Aleen. They were part of the Galactic Republic, and their homeworld was home to a Republic relay station. Their government consisted of a king, and during the Clone Wars, they were ruled by an individual named Manchucho.
- Aleenové byli malý, inteligentní druh, pocházející z planety Aleen. Kategorie:Inteligentní druhy
- The Aleena were a species of small, sentient aliens from the planet of Aleen Minor.
- Aleena gladly told the Avatar of the various exhibits in the museum and especially the Tapestry of Ages. However, when asked about the runes, she told of the night in which they were stolen, voicing her fear that someone could misuse the magic that had been woven into them at their creation to twist them into glyphs representing the opposing anti-virtue. She suggested that Avatar talk with the keeper of the Shrine of Compassion, Sarah, about the matter.
- Los aleena son pequeños semi-humanoides del planeta Aleen.
- Az aleena az Aleen bolygó alacsony, értelmes faja.
- Aleena were a short-bodied alien race that were native to the planet of Aleen. This species was known for their long, thick bodies and short limbs that caused them to waddle when they walked.
- Aleena was an asari commando who had a successful career as a mercenary, and was a close friend of Urdnot Wrex. Aleena and Wrex first met when they were hired to assassinate the same turian, and ended up splitting the "winnings" — he got the head, she got the rest — but their friendship was tested when Wrex received a new contract: he was hired by a volus diplomat to kill someone from the volus' past who knew "too much", who turned out to be Aleena. She and Wrex joked about it, but there was still the matter of Wrex's contract.
- Aleena waren erg klein van gestalte en bezaten twee grote ogen, een platte neus, een grote mond en een schedel met een verlengd achterwaarts stuk. Ze waren blauwgrijs van kleur maar met ouderdom werd dit blauw bleker. Aleena kwamen voor in verschillende 'vormen'. Sommige Aleena hadden strepen, anderen waren wit van kleur. Sommige Aleena hadden een staart, anderen een lange hals. Sommige Aleena waren half zo groot als hun soortgenoten. Aleena hadden vrij korte ledematen.