| - A decade is a measurement of time, defined as being equal to 10 years. This measurement may sometimes be ambiguous in Star Trek as years often have different lengths on different planets. Memory Beta's list of relevant decades begins with the 1800s and ends with the 2490s.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Decade]], from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Decade]] décade, from Late [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Decade]] decas '(set of) ten', from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Decade]] (dekas), from (deka) 'ten'
- Pop! Backside Disaster, Keep going Switch frontside revert. All and all, a 360 with a back D. You will bust your ass to learn this trick! SKATE AND DESTROY This was published by: JessMess in LouisVille
- Oh come on, who doesn't know what a decade is? It's a type of waffle. It is also a city in France, a type of golf club, the name of a dead fish in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Did you know that? Here's our answer:
- multiply by 10 eeX10^1?
- &... Rug up, buckle down, chime in?... 1.
* hash out >
* get over: > all those constraints that held you to the floor back there. key It's TIME to decade your possibilities, taking the next step in your journey. E Pluribus UNIX! dtom:context
- Decade is a member of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6) and is in charge of the group's operations in the Far East.