| - In the 1820s, he was expected in a scientific meeting in Killingworth sponsored by Lord Ravensworth and hosting George Stephenson, among the others. The meeting was supposedly cancelled after the plots of the Rani and , thwarted by the Sixth Doctor. (TV: The Mark of the Rani) A Dalek time corridor ended in his house. In 1854, an inoperative Special Weapons Dalek arrived to his laboratory through it. This caught the attention of the Seventh Doctor. A week later, after a lecture about electromagnetism, Faraday found Colonel Ulrik, which led him to discover about the existence of time travel. Before the Seventh Doctor could seal the time-space corridor to prevent anything else from falling through it, however, two more fully active Daleks, one of whom was the Dalek Prime, arrived to Faraday's house. After activating Faraday's electromagnet, which disrupted the two Daleks' functioning, the Doctor was able to escape through the dumbwaiter. (AUDIO: The Four Doctors) He was buried in Highgate Cemetery. (COMIC: The Highgate Horror)