- Available at level 46. This is a crop harvested from trees. Cost of one Tree is 400File:Gold.png.
- The Mango is a type of fruit that spawns randomly around the map in a group. When farming Mangoes, they have a 30% survival rate with a 6 day lifespan. The Mango fruit features red, orange and yellow outer surface. The color varies on the skin, though red and yellow will not immediately switch to the other—orange between the two colors.
- Mango är en infödd frukt från planeten Jorden. På Arkhan's world finns det frukt som är en korsning mellan mango och guava som Kung Arkhan I döpte om till Guango. (SG1: "It's Good to Be King") kategori:Mat
- Mango is a fruit item from Far Harad. It grows on mango trees, which are found in the jungles of the south.
- Rośliny:
* mango – owoc Firmy:
* Mango – sieć sklepów odzieżowych
* Telezakupy Mango – polski kanał telezakupowy Miejscowości:
* Mango – miejscowość we Włoszech
* Mango – miasto w Togo
* Mango – miejscowość w USA
- Mango is a female RainWing who had a very brief appearance in The Dark Secret. She was most likely made a soldier or guard when Glory became queen.
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mango]] manga, probably from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mango]] [[മാങ്ങ#|മാങ്ങ]] (māṅṅa) or [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mango]] [[மாங்காய்#|மாங்காய்]] (māṅkāy).
- Price: 4 Gold
- Mangos are semi-rare fruits that are found only on the Isle of Desolation, which is off the coast of southern Karamja. They are quite popular among players, since each mango eaten restores ten run energy, and temporarily increases Agility levels by two. Mangos are also used for the quest Karamja Preservation, in which the player must lure a rare monkey into a trap using several mangos. Also, mangos are one of the ingredients of Tropical Pie, which can be made at a Cooking level of 50.
- Mango was a tropical plant, a favorite among the Ivinda natives, whose fruits were found in Rokugani markets.
- Mango is a toon. Posted: 26th January, 2007 Summary: Mango! Mango! Mango mango! Mango! Mangoooooooo!!
- The word Mango was first attested in a European language from a text by Ludovico di Varthema in Italian in 1510, as Manga; This is purported to have emerged from the difficulty in identifying differences between Japanese comics and succulent fruit.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ A mango is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 4 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- A mango is generally sweet, although the taste and texture of the flesh varies across cultivars, some having a soft, pulpy texture similar to an over-ripe plum, while others flesh is firmer, like a cantaloupe or avocado. Some cultivars' flesh has a fibrous texture. Mango is consumed both as ripe fruit and as an unripe fruit (vegetable). In unripe, pickled or cooked forms, the mango skin is consumed comfortably, whereas in ripe fruits, the skin is thicker and bitter and is usually not eaten. The ripe mango is commonly eaten fresh.
- Mango is an Earth fruit. Harold Maybourne thought the ojen fruit on his planet tasted like a cross between a guava and a mango so he renamed it guango. (SG1: "It's Good to Be King")
- |-| substantif masculin = étymologie
* (étymologie manquante)Catégorie:étymologie manquante
* singulier : mango [ˈmaŋgo]
* pluriel: mangos [ˈmaŋgos] 1.
* Catégorie:arbre manguier 2.
* Catégorie:fruit mangue
- Mango führt zu folgenden Seiten:
* Mango, litauische Popband
* Mango, italienischer Sänger
* Mango, 1994 erschienenes Album von Mango
* Mango Records, ein britisches Musiklabel
- Die Mango ist ein Item aus Paper Mario: Die Legende vom Äonentor und Super Paper Mario.
- In amongst the strange sights you see in the Ulu Watu cove (apart from vacationing Aquanis and Atuas), the area's new attraction is undoubtedly Mango, a chimp brought back from Los Santos by a slightly adrift Buck. Buck had got it into his head that he could teach the chimp how to surf, an idea that certainly brought a smile to more than one face. But who would have thought he'd actually do it and that you can now see the new Ulu Watu mascot riding the waves while juggling fruit!
- Wikipedia Article About Mango on Wikipedia The mango (Mangifera spp.; Hindi: आम; plural mangos or mangoes) is a genus of about 35 species of tropical fruiting trees in the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae, native to India and Southeast Asia, of which the Indian Mango M. indica is by far the most important commercially. Reference to mangos as the "food of the gods" can be found in the Hindu Vedas. The name of the fruit comes from the Malayalam word manga, and popularised by the Portuguese after their Indian exploration, hence the word 'manga' in Portuguese .
- Mangos are idiots that edit this article. They grow from trees and have a brain the size of a peanut if they have a brain (there is a %0.001 chance that a mango will have a brain) inside their empty skull. So kids, you can grow up and become a homeless freak but whatever you do, do not become a mango, or a Tamia fan. One way to identify a mango is to ask them their name. if they respond saying their real name then they are a mango. However, if they respond saying that they are bobo the monkey or sfuguiryeghiualergug then they are normal. First, you'll need the following items:
- Mango is a type of plant fruit that grows from a variety of tree native to the Indian subcontinent on the planet Earth. Many Earth animal lifeforms are known to consider mango edible as food, including the Human civilization. Mango was known to be consumed as a foodstuff available in the Federation in the 23rd century. Mars Foods Incorporated advertised themselves as a supplier of mango in Spacelanes, a periodical publication in the late 23rd century. They also had a sauce product, mangonaisse, which was derived from mango. (FASA RPG module: Spacelanes: The Magazine of Interstellar Trade)