- Heavy, solid armor made of durable plates of impenetrable metal. On iRO, this item is localized as Full Plate.
- Plate armor the primary armor of the knights of Araluen and Gallica.
- Description: Body - Physical Defense +28 Type: Body Gear Class: Heavy Equip: Body Effect: Defense +28 Gain in: HQ (Armor Shop) Drop by: None. Price: 16,000 potch
- Defense: 38 Level: 30 Sort: Heavy Armor
- Plate Armor of Yarilo Def: +19 Vit: +22 Wlk Spd: -3
- Plate Armor is a piece of heavy armor.
- Plate Armor is a type of armor that is common for warriors. It has more protection from piercing attacks then chain mail but it has less defense against smashing attacks. Plate armor comes in many kinds.
- +8 Armor Class Image:Sell.gif for 27 gold. Can't be used by : Drow Ranger,Eladrin Wizard,Halfling Rogue
- Plate Armor is the strongest armor available for the player. It is made from solid steel plates and intricate joints to provide maximum protection. A Lordly set of Plate Armor will make you effectively immune to lower-tier archers such as Forest Bandits, provided your helmet and boots are also up to the same standard.
- Plate armor is the heaviest armor in Dungeons and Dragons. It grants a +8 to AC when worn, but as the heaviest basic armor, gives a -2 armor check penalty. [PH:214][HotFL:325] Only Paladins and Knights begin with plate armor proficiency.
* AC Bonus: +8. See below for magic armor.
* Check: -2
* Speed: -1
* Weight: 50 lb.
* Cost: 50gp.
- Although plate offers the highest amount of armor of all the armor classes it also boasts the highest repair bill. Since Patch 3.2, though, prices for repairing are significantly reduced.[citation needed]
- Image:INV Misc WartornScrap Plate.png Plate armor is the heaviest type of armor, heavier than mail, leather or cloth armor, worn by warriors and paladins at or above the 40th level. This ability is taught by class trainers, and costs roughly two gold. Death knights start with the plate armor skill in Wrath of the Lich King. Although plate does offer the highest amount of armor out of all the armor classes, it also boasts the highest repair bill. A warrior or paladin in plate epics can easily lose 40 gold from dying once.
- Plate armor is the strongest of all armor types. Its main focus is to maximize the players defense. Plate armor has the best defense against melee attacks. Plate armor can be worn by templars and gladiators.
- Zbroje płytowe to najcięższy typ pancerzy, cięższy od zbroi kolczych, skórzanych czy płóciennych, który moga nosić wojownicy i paladyni od poziomu 40. Umiejętność ta pojawia się po wyuczeniu jej u nauczyciela klasowego i kosztuje około 2 Grafika:Gold.png. Rycerze śmierci rozpoczynają swoją przygodę z umiejętnością noszenia zbroi płytowych w dodatku World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
| - Orc Leader
- Behemoth
- Massive Earth Elemental
- Lost Soul
- Lizard Templar
- dbkwik:resource/E3N0c9v7imPNWWommcHnyg==
- dbkwik:resource/HGgcDaOGiB9ungpIOFpbyQ==
- Crystal Spider
- Bonebeast
- Dreadbeast
- Ancient Scarab
- Ron the Ripper
- Defiler
- Destroyer
- Kongra
- Pirate Buccaneer
- Brutus Bloodbeard
- Undead Gladiator
- Black Knight
- Giant Spider
- Orc Warlord
- Valkyrie
- Warlord Ruzad
- Carrion Worm, Valkyrie, Orc Leader, Orc Warlord, Giant Spider, Black Knight, Kongra, Bonebeast, Ancient Scarab, Old Widow, Lizard Templar, Tarantula, Behemoth, Pirate Buccaneer, Ron the Ripper, Lost Soul, Destroyer, Crystal Spider, Brutus Bloodbeard e Defiler.