| - Axis and Allies - The Original Game 1985 Scenario - by Cory Fisher - The Alliances Axis: USA and USSR Allies: European Nations, UK and Japan The Plot In the fall of 1985, British subs accidentally fired upon a Russian ship, sinking it unintentionally. Angered by this act, the Russians wanted to show the British and whomever else that the USSR is a force not to reckon with. They stormed troops into Finland and Sweden, and secured them with communist rule. UK saw this not only as unjust, but as an advance towards them. They quickly declared war against USSR. Upon doing this, the European Nations formed together to protect the rest of Europe from the Russians. Most of Europe was in an economic depression so joining together was a good idea. They signed a pact with UK for the goal of preventin
| - Axis and Allies - The Original Game 1985 Scenario - by Cory Fisher - The Alliances Axis: USA and USSR Allies: European Nations, UK and Japan The Plot In the fall of 1985, British subs accidentally fired upon a Russian ship, sinking it unintentionally. Angered by this act, the Russians wanted to show the British and whomever else that the USSR is a force not to reckon with. They stormed troops into Finland and Sweden, and secured them with communist rule. UK saw this not only as unjust, but as an advance towards them. They quickly declared war against USSR. Upon doing this, the European Nations formed together to protect the rest of Europe from the Russians. Most of Europe was in an economic depression so joining together was a good idea. They signed a pact with UK for the goal of preventing further Russian advances. The US and Russians at this time were in a cold war that could have easily sided the two against each other. President Reagan was harassed constantly to stop the cold war, so he joined with the Russians for two reasons. One, USSR would see that we want to get rid of all bad feelings toward each other and bring peace, and two, hopefully bring order to the European nations and UK. Many people believe Reagan had other motives for joining the Russians. They believe he joined the war with USSR so after the Russians were spread out and losing so much military power to casualties, that Reagan wanted to come in and wipe the Russians out. Needless to say, those were just rumors and the Americans joined for the first time in years with the Russians. Japan, as always has to be in on the action. Japan had been slightly angered by Reagan's laws calling for less imports from Japanese countries. They saw an opportunity to get back at the US by joining with the UK. Many people thought that the Japanese wanted to attack the weakened Russian empire while they had a chance, and also, some people thought there were still hard feelings between the US and Japan over the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings long ago. The Japanese launch a surprise assault on Eastern Asia and take over China, Sinkiang, French-IndoChina Burma, Manchuria, and Kwangtung. So hence starts WWIII. Starting IPC and order of play U.K. (26) USSR (26) UK (30) U.S. (36) Japan (29) Country-specific Advantages 1. The UK will start the game with loaded up transports. This means that a British transport can hold up to 3 infantry or a combination of 1 infantry and 1 armor. 2. The USSR will start the game with snipers. This means that attacking infantry will attack at a 3 for the first round of combat only. They still defend at a 2. 3. European Nations will start the game with missiles. Missiles can be launched from any AA gun. Only one missile can be launched per turn. A missile can be fired at any nation's capital taking away a D6 roll + 2 worth of money. The attacked capital can get in an antiaircraft shot at the missile, however, and if a 1 is rolled the missile is blown up before it can hit anything. 4. The US starts the game with heavy carriers. This means they can have 3 fighters or 1 bomber land on a carrier at one time. 5. Japan will start the game with mass production. This means that they can produce three identical things at produce a fourth for free. This doesn't work for infantry, however. Initial Setup Errata (by thrasher) The USSR was mentioned to be part of the 'Allies'. This is incorrect. The USSR is part of the 'Axis'. The UK was mentioned to be part of the 'Axis'. This is incorrect. The UK is part of the 'Allies'. Remarks (by thrasher) Cuba is American controlled. In my opinion a communist Cuba should be Russian controlled. Aghanistan is controlled by the UK. In 1985 Afghanistan was still a Russian satelite-state. Angola, Mozambique and Ethiopia are controlled by the UK. In 1985 these countries were communist states. So in my opinion these areas shuuld be Russian controlled. Lybia and Algeria are controlled by the Europeans. The introduction does not make clear why this is the case. The former British and French colonies in Africa and Asia are controlled by the UK. Why is this the case? I can image that the former French (and Belgium) colonies would join France (Europeans). Eastern Europe and Ukraine should be Russian controlled in 1985. Turkey is controlled by the UK. I think it makes more sense of Turkey is controlled by the Europeans. Though not mentioned explicitely all 'former neutrals' are worth 0 IPC. When you add up the IPC-values of the 5 countries and you compare this with the mentioned IPC-levels you see that this must be the case. Missiles: Why can missiles only hit capitals? What is the range of a missile? For the rest do they act the same as rockets? This scenario first appeared at Cory Fishers Axis and Allies page. I slightly edited the appeareance of the page. Cory also created a 2001 scenario. Back to the Axis and Allies - The Original Game Hypothetical Scenarios Page Back to the Axis and Allies - The Original Game Scenarios Page Back to the Axis and Allies - The Original Game Main Page Back to thrashers A&A page