| - thumb|200px|Mapa Enedwaith thumb|200px|Enedwaith Enedwaith – szerokie ziemie leżące między Arnorem na północy a Gondorem na południu, zwany też Zielonym Pustkowiem. Początkowo teren mocno zaleśniony, ale lasy zostały wycięte przez Númenorejczyków w Drugiej Erze. Początkowo miejsce było wspólnie zarządzane przez Dúnedainów i dzikich ludzi którzy później całkowicie przejęli tutaj kontrolę.
- Enedwaith is a vast land south of Eriador and west of the Misty Mountains containing empty plains. It composes most of the lands south of Minhiriath and the Lone-Lands. Boulders dot the landscape. Few NPCs spawn here under normal conditions. In times long ago, Enedwaith was controlled by the Númenoreans, but with the fall of Arnor their power in the region decreased. The old south road still winds through this biome, but only Dunlendings stalk these plains anymore. Upon entering Enedwaith, the player earns the achievement "Forsaken Land"
- Enedwaith (also spelled Enedhwaith) originally referred to both a region of Middle-earth and the men that inhabited it. The region of Enedwaith retained its name but the people of Enedwaith were long extinguished. The boundaries of the Enedwaith, which is Sindarin for 'Middle-region' as well as 'Middle-folk', were defined in the north by the rivers Gwathló and Glanduin, to the east by the Hithaeglir, and to the west by Belegaer, 'The Great Sea'. The southern border was less clear, but was probably formed by the river Isen.
- Die Enedwaith waren die weiten und flachen Gebiete zwischen dem Gwathló und dem Isen in Mittelerde. So bildeten sie von der Nord-Süd Ausdehnung Mittelerdes genau den Mittelpunkt, deshalb auch die Übersetzung Mittlere Gegend aus dem Sindarin. Höchstwahrscheinlich waren die Enedwaith einst ein Gebiet Gondors, welches zu Gondors großen Zeiten unterworfen und formell Teil des Königreiches wurde. Doch obwohl das Land eigentlich fruchtbar war, siedelten sich nur wenige Menschen des Westens in den Gebieten Enedwaiths an, sodass es zum größten Teil, im Zweiten und Dritten Zeitalter, Niemandsland war. Erst nach dem Jahr 2000 D.Z. begannen Menschen jene Gebiete urbar zu machen. Dies waren die Dunländer, die sich dort so stark vermehren konnten, dass sie zu einer ernsthaften Bedrohung Rohans wurden,
| - thumb|200px|Mapa Enedwaith thumb|200px|Enedwaith Enedwaith – szerokie ziemie leżące między Arnorem na północy a Gondorem na południu, zwany też Zielonym Pustkowiem. Początkowo teren mocno zaleśniony, ale lasy zostały wycięte przez Númenorejczyków w Drugiej Erze. Początkowo miejsce było wspólnie zarządzane przez Dúnedainów i dzikich ludzi którzy później całkowicie przejęli tutaj kontrolę.
- Die Enedwaith waren die weiten und flachen Gebiete zwischen dem Gwathló und dem Isen in Mittelerde. So bildeten sie von der Nord-Süd Ausdehnung Mittelerdes genau den Mittelpunkt, deshalb auch die Übersetzung Mittlere Gegend aus dem Sindarin. Höchstwahrscheinlich waren die Enedwaith einst ein Gebiet Gondors, welches zu Gondors großen Zeiten unterworfen und formell Teil des Königreiches wurde. Doch obwohl das Land eigentlich fruchtbar war, siedelten sich nur wenige Menschen des Westens in den Gebieten Enedwaiths an, sodass es zum größten Teil, im Zweiten und Dritten Zeitalter, Niemandsland war. Erst nach dem Jahr 2000 D.Z. begannen Menschen jene Gebiete urbar zu machen. Dies waren die Dunländer, die sich dort so stark vermehren konnten, dass sie zu einer ernsthaften Bedrohung Rohans wurden, dessen südlicher Nachbar sie waren. Das Jahr 2912 D.Z. zeigte jedoch, warum es unklug war das Enedwaith zu bevölkern. Durch eine riesige Flutwelle starb der Großteil der Bevölkerung. Enedwaith wurde unter Aragorns Herrschaft, wie beinahe ganz Mittelerde, Teil des Wiedervereinigten Königreiches.
- Enedwaith (also spelled Enedhwaith) originally referred to both a region of Middle-earth and the men that inhabited it. The region of Enedwaith retained its name but the people of Enedwaith were long extinguished. The boundaries of the Enedwaith, which is Sindarin for 'Middle-region' as well as 'Middle-folk', were defined in the north by the rivers Gwathló and Glanduin, to the east by the Hithaeglir, and to the west by Belegaer, 'The Great Sea'. The southern border was less clear, but was probably formed by the river Isen. During the First and early Second Ages Enedwaith was deeply forested, but with the arrival of the timber-hungry Númenóreans, from the seventh century of the Second Age onwards, the landscape was devastated. The Enedwaithrim themselves "were forest dwellers, scattered communities without central leadership." They were distantly related to the Haladin of old, but this wasn't recognized in time by Númenóreans, who were mainly descended from the First and Third Houses of the Edain, and therefore spoke a language which was not related. The Enedwaithrim were not ranked as Middle Men, friends and distant kin of the Edain, but were ranked among the "people of darkness", enemies and aliens. The denuded forests of Enedwaith, and much of those to the north in Eriador, were finally destroyed by the War of the Elves and Sauron around SA 1700, during which much of what had survived the felling was burnt. Only remote corners like Eryn Vorn survived in Eriador, and the Old Forest still further north. Many surviving natives took refuge in the eastern highlands of Enedwaith, "the foothills of the Misty Mountains", which ultimately became Dunland. After SA 3320, Enedwaith formed the most northern part of the new Kingdom of Gondor, at least officially. The south-east was still "in places well-wooded", but elsewhere Enedwaith was by this time "mostly grassland." Following the Great Plague in TA 1636 however, Gondor's authority permanently lapsed throughout the region. Tharbad, originally one of two ancient cities on the Gwathló, and the only one to survive beyond the early Third Age, was finally abandoned following devastating floods in TA 2912, and thereafter, only two groups survived in Enedwaith: the Dunlendings in the far east, and a "fairly numerous but barbarous fisher-folk" wandering the coast. In the early Fourth Age, however, Enedwaith was absorbed into the Reunited kingdom, whose people "multiplied exceedingly", and many moved there.
- Enedwaith is a vast land south of Eriador and west of the Misty Mountains containing empty plains. It composes most of the lands south of Minhiriath and the Lone-Lands. Boulders dot the landscape. Few NPCs spawn here under normal conditions. In times long ago, Enedwaith was controlled by the Númenoreans, but with the fall of Arnor their power in the region decreased. The old south road still winds through this biome, but only Dunlendings stalk these plains anymore. Upon entering Enedwaith, the player earns the achievement "Forsaken Land"