| - The Omega is resisted by a faction known as "The Outsiders." Led by Professor McWayne (Harrison Muller), it is advised by a levitating, foggy, flashlight-wielding cadre of superannuated, toga-clad mystical healers. McWayne has been captured by the Omega; the Outsiders must rescue him before he is executed. When a sullen, leather-jacketed anti-hero (the late Robert Ginty) and his talking, rocket-assisted, missile-launching "supersonic speed cycle" called Einstein appear, the mystics identify him as "Chosen", and McWayne's daughter, the not-unattractive Nastasia (the late Persis Khambatta) and commanding Henchman (Fred Williamson) must persuade him to help them rescue their leader. After arguments as to the nobility of their cause fail to sway him, Nastasia smilingly threatens the Warrior. He agrees to cooperate. Nastasia and Warrior infiltrate the public execution of McWayne in the guise of invited witnesses. The two of them manage to grab McWayne and get him to a waiting escape helicopter. During the escape, Nastasia is shot and left behind. She is captured by Prosser, who immediately begins programming her to be his "mind slave". McWayne starts to assemble a rescue mission. To garner forces from the outlaw gangs in the area, he has the Warrior engage in a public display of rite of combat. The Warrior wins and inspires their alllegiance. A three-pronged attack on The Omega is begun. The Warrior leads the motorized forces down the Omega-patrolled highway with air support supplied by Henchman to ultimately do battle with "Megaweapon", a large truck adorned with an "Omega" logo, some bumper-mounted spikes and a flame-thrower. Elsewhere, gang members posing as Omega employees cleverly smuggle automatic weapons into the Omega "dairy" and attack from inside, while outlaw gang ninjas and people with old military uniforms scale the unguarded back stairs into the Omega HQ. Will Nastasia be snatched from doom before she is forever warped by the sadistic Prossor? Are Prossor and Henchman really what they seem to be?
* Can't we get beyond "Thunderdome"?