| - Mordecai & Rigby: Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Sensai: Welcome back to Death Kwon Do: Pizza and Subs! Can I start you off with a couple of sodas? Mordecai: Sure, dude! Sensai: Jerry! Two sodas! Jerry: Yes, Sensai! (he kicks a cup into the air, catches it, puts it in a machine and presses a button with two fingers to pour soda into the cup) Rigby: Who's that? Sensai: That's my Death Kwon Do apprentice, Jerry! Rigby: Oh, that's cool. Mordecai: Uh, and to eat... everything's kinda heavy... (sighs) I wish I could get something light that still tastes good. Sensai (continued): Ugh, my stomach!
| - Mordecai & Rigby: Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Sensai: Welcome back to Death Kwon Do: Pizza and Subs! Can I start you off with a couple of sodas? Mordecai: Sure, dude! Sensai: Jerry! Two sodas! Jerry: Yes, Sensai! (he kicks a cup into the air, catches it, puts it in a machine and presses a button with two fingers to pour soda into the cup) Rigby: Who's that? Sensai: That's my Death Kwon Do apprentice, Jerry! Rigby: Oh, that's cool. Mordecai: Uh, and to eat... everything's kinda heavy... (sighs) I wish I could get something light that still tastes good. Sensai: (laughs) I get it! You want the Death Kwon Do Sandwich of Health! Sensai (continued, VO): Through years of trial and error, I perfected it. Sensai (continued, VO): Using the finest organic ingredients, and the secrets of Death Kwon Do, I have created a sandwich that not only tastes great...it's a healthy as a salad. Sensai (continued): Would you be the first to try it? Mordecai: Thar's just a meatball sub. Rigby: Yeah, and if I'm being honest, it look even greasier than usual. Sensai: It is not! It's incredibly healthy! Every day, I have one for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've never felt better. Sensai (continued): Ugh, my stomach! Jerry: Sensai! Dr. Matthews: Yep. Yep, you definetely need a stomach transplant. Mordecai, Rigby, Sensai and Jerry: What?! Dr. Matthews: You had an extreme reaction...uh, wait, scratch that. You had a completely normal reaction to an extremely unhealthy sandwich. Thwn you stomach flat-out exploded. See? Rigby: Can you put him on the transplant list? Dr. Matthews: Well, yes. Normally you'd be able to, but a man of your...physical gifts would burn through a normal stomach like it was nothing. Sensai: Spell it out for me, Doc. Dr. Matthews: You're too, uhh,...How diI put this delicately? Jerry: Hey! Mordecai: Aw, come on! Rigby: That's just wrong! Mordecai: Not cool, man! Dr Matthews: Well, you're too weak to be moved, and we need a suitable transplant or you'll die. Sensai: What about the Death Kwon Do Hospital? Sensai (continued): Could you call them? Jerry: Yes, Sensai! Death Kwon Do Doctor: Death Kwon Do Hospital. Jerry: Uh-huh. Yeah. Mm-hmm? You do have a stomach of great power? Jerry (continued): And we can pick it up today?! Sensai: Excellent. Rigby: Yes! Sensai: Mordecai and Rigby, would you mind going with Jerry to pick up the stomach? Mordecai: Sure, dude. Rigby: Yeah. We're still on lunch anyway, so... Jerry: Sensai, I don't need their help! I'm ready for this! Sensai: No, Jerry! Jerry: Yes, Sensai. Sensai: You don't have much time. As always, you'll need these. (He holds up jean shorts for Mordecai and Rigby.)