| - Armor runes can be applied to certain armor to provide permanent bonuses to that armor's effects in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. Runes can be applied to (or removed from) equipment by Ambassador Cera at Vigil's Keep. There is no cost associated with adding or removing runes, and runes can be reused after removal. This makes it easy to tailor equipment to meet particular challenges. Each armor has a certain number of rune slots, depending on the material from which it is made. For example, iron armor has no slots while Dragonbone armor offers 3. There are five types of runes, each of which provides a different effect, such as increased armor. Runes come in one of 7 tiers of power, from Novice to Paragon. {| class="messagebox" |- align="center" valign="top" | File:Bug icon.png | align="left" | Bug! There is a bug with runes with the property vs. creature type (Cold Iron, Silverite) and passive resistance (Dweomer, Hale) Masterpiece and Paragon tier weapon runes. They are erroneously flagged as armor runes. Cold Iron and Silverite do not trigger either with melee or ranged weapons when inserted into armor slots. However, both Dweomer and Hale grant the resistance bonuses normally. |} {| class="messagebox" |- align="center" valign="top" | File:Bug icon.png | align="left" | Bug! As of patch 1.04, there are no Barrier Rune Tracings in the game, and the only Barrier Rune available is a single Novice Barrier Rune looted from Vigil's Keep basement. |}