| - Krika był Makutą północnego regionu Północnego Kontynentu i członkiem Bractwa Makuta.
- Krika was a Makuta, and was one of the members of the Brotherhood of Makuta who invaded Karda Nui. He was the leader of the Mistika Makuta in Karda Nui; the Makuta under him were Gorast and Bitil.
- Krika on Varjon Toa.
- Krika fue el Makuta de la región norte del Continente Norte y miembro de la Hermandad de Makuta.
- Krika was a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta. He was one of the eight Makuta sent to Karda Nui to invade the Universe Core and kill the Toa Nuva after they awoke Mata Nui. This was in truth just part of Teridax’s plan to destroy those Makuta so there would be none left to challenge his rule.
- Krika oli Pohjoisen mantereen pohjoisosan ja Zakazin Makuta ja Makutain veljeskunnan jäsen. Hän osallistui vastentahtoisesti kapinaan Suurta henkeä Mata Nuita vastaan. Krika oli Karda Nuilla taistelemassa Toa Nuvia vastaan. Kuullessaan energiamyrskyistä hän yritti varoittaa toisia Makutoja, mutta Gorast tappoi hänet petturina.
- Krika war ein Makuta, und Mitglied der Bruderschaft der Makuta, er sollte Miserix töten, was er aber nicht tat. Er wurde nach Karda Nui in den Sumpf geschickt, wo er mutierte, dort starb er auch.
- Krika is a janitor for the Makuta rock band. He also uses his kanohi Crast to block any rubbish or rotten fruits that people threw at them.
- After quite sometimes later, the organization was corrupted when Makuta Teridax overthrew Miserix, the former leader of the Brotherhood and took over the organization as Krika and Vamprah were the last to join him when he demanded the Convocation. However, despite the corruption, Krika still retained his sense of honor and morality, thus making him more sympathetic, trustworthy, and honorable compared to the other Makuta.
- Krika war der Makuta der nördlichen Region des Nördlichen Kontinents (und später auch der von Zakaz) und ein Mitglied der Bruderschaft der Makuta.