Robotboy is a British/French animated television series produced by French production company Alphanim for France 3 and Cartoon Network Europe, as well as the studios LuxAnimation and Cofinova 1. The show itself is about a battling and defensive robot called Robotboy, the latest creation of the world renowned scientist Professor Moshimo. Fearing that Robotboy would get stolen by his arch-enemy Dr. Kamikazi and his main henchman Constantine to be used to take over the world, Professor Moshimo entrusts Robotboy to his biggest fan: a 10-year-old boy named Tommy Turnbull. While being protected by Tommy and his two friends Lola and Gus, Robotboy learns how to behave and act as if he were a real boy but also protect his friends and the city of Bay Area from the dangers of the super-villains out
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| - Robotboy is a British/French animated television series produced by French production company Alphanim for France 3 and Cartoon Network Europe, as well as the studios LuxAnimation and Cofinova 1. The show itself is about a battling and defensive robot called Robotboy, the latest creation of the world renowned scientist Professor Moshimo. Fearing that Robotboy would get stolen by his arch-enemy Dr. Kamikazi and his main henchman Constantine to be used to take over the world, Professor Moshimo entrusts Robotboy to his biggest fan: a 10-year-old boy named Tommy Turnbull. While being protected by Tommy and his two friends Lola and Gus, Robotboy learns how to behave and act as if he were a real boy but also protect his friends and the city of Bay Area from the dangers of the super-villains out
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| - Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Science Fiction
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| - Robotboy is a British/French animated television series produced by French production company Alphanim for France 3 and Cartoon Network Europe, as well as the studios LuxAnimation and Cofinova 1. The show itself is about a battling and defensive robot called Robotboy, the latest creation of the world renowned scientist Professor Moshimo. Fearing that Robotboy would get stolen by his arch-enemy Dr. Kamikazi and his main henchman Constantine to be used to take over the world, Professor Moshimo entrusts Robotboy to his biggest fan: a 10-year-old boy named Tommy Turnbull. While being protected by Tommy and his two friends Lola and Gus, Robotboy learns how to behave and act as if he were a real boy but also protect his friends and the city of Bay Area from the dangers of the super-villains out there. The series premiered on November 1, 2005 on Cartoon Network UK, with each new season set to premiere each year afterwards. With only four seasons produced, it included three episodes with holiday themes such as Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day, as well as episodes featuring space, sports and the internet, plus a few other subjects.
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