| - El número (1091) es el número natural que sigue al 1090 y precede al 1092. Categoría:Números
- Maggie returns to Collinwood and passes out on the staircase. Julia examines her and discovers bite marks on her neck. Julia helps Maggie to the drawing room and is convinced Barnabas is behind it. Hallie walks into the room and notices Maggie is in trouble, but Julia manages to get her to leave. As she goes back upstairs, Hallie says she feels bad for Maggie because "she hasn't done anything wrong." Julia finds Hallie's comment rather interesting, but she then helps Maggie up to her room.
- Maximilian ist tief getroffen, dass Simone Rafael offenbar ihr ganzes Vertrauen schenkt. Enttäuscht, dass Rafael seinen Wunsch, sich von Simone zu distanzieren, nicht respektiert hat, stellt er ihn zur Rede. Doch da zeigt Rafael plötzlich sein wahres Gesicht. Aus Unsicherheit lügen sich Franziska und Florian gegenseitig hinsichtlich ihrer sexuellen Erfahrungen an, was vor allem Florian weiter verunsichert. Er steigert sich in die Vorstellung hinein, dass Franziska ihn, vor dem Team, als unerfahrenen Angeber outet und lächerlich macht. Doch dieser Gedanke hat fatale Folgen. Katjas Besuch bei Isabelle endet in einem Desaster. Isabelle greift Katja heftig an und wirft sie raus. Ben, der dazu kommt, stellt sich auf Isabelles Seite und stellt Katja am nächsten Tag zur Rede. Den dreien ist bewus
| - El número (1091) es el número natural que sigue al 1090 y precede al 1092. Categoría:Números
- Maximilian ist tief getroffen, dass Simone Rafael offenbar ihr ganzes Vertrauen schenkt. Enttäuscht, dass Rafael seinen Wunsch, sich von Simone zu distanzieren, nicht respektiert hat, stellt er ihn zur Rede. Doch da zeigt Rafael plötzlich sein wahres Gesicht. Aus Unsicherheit lügen sich Franziska und Florian gegenseitig hinsichtlich ihrer sexuellen Erfahrungen an, was vor allem Florian weiter verunsichert. Er steigert sich in die Vorstellung hinein, dass Franziska ihn, vor dem Team, als unerfahrenen Angeber outet und lächerlich macht. Doch dieser Gedanke hat fatale Folgen. Katjas Besuch bei Isabelle endet in einem Desaster. Isabelle greift Katja heftig an und wirft sie raus. Ben, der dazu kommt, stellt sich auf Isabelles Seite und stellt Katja am nächsten Tag zur Rede. Den dreien ist bewusst, dass nichts mehr so wird, wie es war.
- Maggie returns to Collinwood and passes out on the staircase. Julia examines her and discovers bite marks on her neck. Julia helps Maggie to the drawing room and is convinced Barnabas is behind it. Hallie walks into the room and notices Maggie is in trouble, but Julia manages to get her to leave. As she goes back upstairs, Hallie says she feels bad for Maggie because "she hasn't done anything wrong." Julia finds Hallie's comment rather interesting, but she then helps Maggie up to her room. Julia shows up and confronts Barnabas about what happened to Maggie. Barnabas is confused, but Julia tells him Maggie has been attacked by a vampire. Barnabas swears to Julia he did not attack her, but Julia refuses to believe him. He deduces that there is another vampire somewhere in Collinsport and his first suspect is Sebastian, but Julia tells him she has seen Sebastian during the day. Dawn is approaching, so Barnabas has to leave, but again promises Julia he did not attack Maggie. That morning, Hallie tells David that Maggie was attacked in the woods the previous night. Hallie wonders if Gerard is behind the attack. David suggests that Hallie should go to Maggie to find out if Gerard has anything to do with it. After she leaves, David decides to he must make contact with Gerard if it will help Maggie. Hallie goes to visit Maggie and asks if there is anything she can do, but all Maggie wants is for her and David to continue their lessons. She cautiously asks Maggie if she was attacked because of something she did, but Maggie assures her she did nothing wrong. Julia arrives and excuses Hallie. Maggie wants to be left alone, but Julia says she is going to keep a close eye on her regardless. David goes to the playroom and tries to summon Gerard. He feels a presence in the room, but finds Carrie instead. Carrie notions to David that Gerard has nothing to do with Maggie's attack. David is relieved and asks her if she can tell them when the disaster is going to happen. She agrees to answer questions, and David rushes to get Hallie. That night, Julia still isn't sure if Barnabas is telling the truth about Maggie. Barnabas requests Julia to take him to Maggie so she can see her reaction towards him. Meanwhile, David is in Maggie's room, apparently looking for Hallie. Maggie doesn't know where she is. Barnabas and Julia show up and Maggie is very cold toward everyone and just wants to be left alone. In the hallway, Julia tells Barnabas she believes him, but their happy revelation is cut short when they hear the sound of dogs howling in the distance and realize the vampire is summoning Maggie. Barnabas orders Julia to watch over Maggie while he searches the grounds. Julia goes into Maggie's room and sees Maggie getting out of bed. She pushes Julia out of her way and leaves. With a cross in hand, Julia decides to follow Maggie to the vampire.