| - "Having never read the script from beginning to end in one sitting I thought I would be able to enjoy the cast airing of Inception. Nolan praised me for the excellent portrayal of an ear of corn, or something... Honestly I was drunk for most of the filming, as I usually am for my movies. However I did promise myself that I would arrive at the showing sober, for the sole reason of this review." Image:Quote1.png Waiter, I'm going to need another vodka martini. It's going to be a long 2 and a half hours... Image:Quote2.png ~ Leonardo's verdict "That being said, I have no idea what happened in the movie. It took all of 20 minutes before I got my first vodka martini. I tend to drink more when I am confused (how the hell did I get out of Japan?) The last thing I remember before passing out in Ellen's lap (SCORE!) was watching the giant penguin make out with the asian guy, but Nolan assures me that that scene was cut from the final product, which is a damn shame, because it was arguably the greatest moment in cinematic history (and one of the few scenes I remember filming in this movie)." "Overall I give the vodka martini an 8.5/10. It tasted better than most vodka martinis I've had, but it was marked in the menu as a 'Vodkatini,' which sounded pretty gay. I almost didn't spend $16.50 on it, but I'm glad I did." "Oh, the movie? Uh, how about a 9/10? I'm told it was good. Oh, and if you could tell my sponsor I was sober the whole time, there's $20 in it for you. I am Leonardo DiCaprio, I can afford to drop money like that."