「モナーク」。それは、最上級の悪魔にのみ名乗ることを許されし名前。 "Monarch". A name permitted to be worn only by the demons of utmost superiority.
光の時代は終わり、我ら一族こそがこの世に永遠をもたらすのだ!- "With the world of Light on its last legs, it is now time to bring about our time, for all eternity!" - Death Monarch, Lord of Demons
デスモナークの魂が闇へと還る時、あまたの邪悪なる魂が現世へと蘇る。-When Death Monarch's soul returned to Hell, many evil souls had went back to the world of the living.
■ Evolution—Put on one of your Demon Commands.
■ When this creature is destroyed, you may put all non-evolution Demon Commands from your graveyard into the battle zone.