| - Skrees are creatures found in the Metroid series who presumably became extinct during the events of Super Metroid when their home planet, Zebes, was destroyed. They resemble bats and hang from the ceilings. However, when an apparent threat approaches them, they'll quickly drop from where they rest and shoot through the ground, attempting to hit their opponent on the way. If that doesn't work, then the debris from the ground will possibly smash into their target, thus damaging them to some extent, though basically they're not fatal.
- Los Skree son unas criaturas nativas de Zebes. Aparecen en Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission, Super Metroid y Metroid: Other M. Viven colgando en techos rocosos, y cuando ven a otros organismos bajo ellos se lanzan contra ellos. Su apariencia física, más su forma de vivir en los techos, es similar a la de los murciélagos.
- The Skree is a bird that resembles a secretary bird and stands about seven feet high. It makes its first and only appearance in War of the Cryptids.
- Creature character, most probably a drudge. Author of Sdolin Buk!, (stolen book), a note in a near illegible script about Banderlings fighting over Rand's Brewmaster's Bible which was stolen by the author's tribe.
- Skrees were part of the army that was laying siege to the Palace of Power when Kevin Keene arrived in Videoland. When Princess Lana got kidnapped by Mother Brain, she found herself in the underground corridors of Metroid with Kevin and Duke when they came to rescue her. They were immediately attacked by four Skrees, one of which Kevin blasted with his Zapper as they fled from the other three. They were attacked by one more Skree after escaping the Multiviola, which Kevin blasted as it flew toward them.
- Skrees are native inhabitants of Zebes and are a type of enemy which have appeared in several games since the original Metroid. Roosting from ceilings, these bat-like creatures will quietly rotate their wings (which are also used as pincers and shovels) around their comparatively small thorax as they wait for prey. Once prey enters the area under its roost, the Skree will proceed to dive-bomb the intruder, resulting in either the Skree exploding into harmful shrapnel (in Metroid or its remake, Zero Mission), or its escaping by drilling into the ground (in Super Metroid or Other M), which will also release shrapnel.
- Skree first appeared when his mother left the nest to hunt for food. Shortly afterwards, Skree accidentally fell from the nest and wanders off. Unaware that his mother was killed by Woundwort, Skree found his way to the Junior Owsla led by Pipkin and attempted to attack them, but was frightened back by Kehaar. Pipkin realized that Skree needed help as he was defenseless without his mother and decided to help the hawk. Kehaar taught Skree how to fish and fly, and Skree developed a liking to rabbits. After a brief misunderstanding, Hazel was amazed to see a hawk calling out that the Watership rabbits are his friends. After Kehaar left Watership Down with his mate to the city, Skree served as his replacement for aerial scouting throughout the rest of the series, and has lived on Watership Dow