| - Dundorfian Reich (Dundorfian: Dundorfisches Reich) commonly known as Dundorf is a nation located at the center of Artania. It is bordered by Aloria and Kirlawa to its north, as well as Dorvik. It's southern border is comprised of Ibutho and to the east is the Kundrati Union and to the west is Rutania. Dundorf is ranked the forty-sixth most populated country in the world with 99,510,346 people living within 900,000km, where it is ranked forty-second in the world by area. Dundorf has several major cities, including the more recent Albrunn, the historical capital of Zerlin and several other major cities.
| - Dundorfian Reich (Dundorfian: Dundorfisches Reich) commonly known as Dundorf is a nation located at the center of Artania. It is bordered by Aloria and Kirlawa to its north, as well as Dorvik. It's southern border is comprised of Ibutho and to the east is the Kundrati Union and to the west is Rutania. Dundorf is ranked the forty-sixth most populated country in the world with 99,510,346 people living within 900,000km, where it is ranked forty-second in the world by area. Dundorf has several major cities, including the more recent Albrunn, the historical capital of Zerlin and several other major cities. Dundorf, despite its impressive cultural and political history is a land-locked nation located at the heart of Artania. Dundorf is the home to the Dundorfian culture and has major cultural influence in Dorvik, Rutania, Aloria and smaller influence in Kirlawa and other portions of the world, notably in the Northern Hemisphere. Dundorf has a special place as one of the largest empires to exist on Artania, the Dundorfian Kingdom and Dundorfian Reich had hegemony over Northern Artania where it shared common ground with the Holy Luthori Empire. Dundorf has a colorful history, mostly divided and comprised of fierce nationalism, monarchism and radical left-wing ideologies. The foundation of Communism by Karlstein Metz and the foundation of National Socialism underneath Reinhold Scharff and his Dundorfian National Socialist Movement. Dundorf has shared in several civil wars and the modern era of Dundorf has been plagued with right-wing and left-wing governments trading places. Dundorf is ranked as one of the worlds leading economies, however Dundorf has suffered from years and constant shifts in economic policy from state control to free market. Despite this, Dundorf maintains a GDP of 2,687,114,929,734 DUM with a per capita GDP of 27,003 DUM (as of 4190). Dundorf has an incredibly powerful light and heavy industrial sector and is seen widely as one of the worlds largest agricultural powers due to it's relatively temperate climate. Dundorf, despite being landlocked serves as a huge trading hub for Artanian and several cities in Dundorf are widely known for their hubs of Artanian companies. Dundorf is a member of the Artanian Union, despite the failing of the AU over the past several years.