| - The Echani Covenant, more often referred to simply as the Echani, was the ruling government of the Echani people, worlds and systems. Established in 430 ABY, the Echani Covenant rose out of the conflict of the Echani-Thyrsian War, which saw the reunification of the Echani and Thyrsian societies. By circa 1,000 ABY, the Echani Covenant grew from a region of systems and influence into a galactic power, and although possessed ties to the Galactic Federation, never became a a member of the Galactic Congress.
| - The Echani Covenant, more often referred to simply as the Echani, was the ruling government of the Echani people, worlds and systems. Established in 430 ABY, the Echani Covenant rose out of the conflict of the Echani-Thyrsian War, which saw the reunification of the Echani and Thyrsian societies. By circa 1,000 ABY, the Echani Covenant grew from a region of systems and influence into a galactic power, and although possessed ties to the Galactic Federation, never became a a member of the Galactic Congress. Beginning in 1,312 ABY, the Echani Covenant and Mandalorian Clans engaged in open warfare, known as the Preliator Wars. After the outbreak of the Extant War, the Echani were forced to cease hostilities with the Mandalorians and then fight alongside them as members of the Bloodmoon Pact, as the two sides were required to become allies in the Galactic Emergency Coalition following the signing of the Treaty of Korriban. The Echani Covenant was built on the foundation of thousands of tribes, with power and authority resting within the chieftesses (or chieftains, in the rare instances of patriarchal tribes). However, all members of any given Echani tribe contribute to their respective tribe's powerbase and political influence. Echani tribes accumulate and consolidate power based upon a meritocratic system; the greater accomplishments of the tribesmen, the greater the standing for the overall tribe. The most powerful Echani tribes had typically had deep foundations for thousands of years, and most smaller tribes often pledged allegiance to larger ones in order to more easily attain influence and recognition. Merit for Echani was usually earned through battle victories, strategic oversight and martial ability, although diplomatic and charismatic endeavors were also methods of attaining merit. Some Echani tribes even attained merit through others means, so long as it was considered to be a legitimate accomplishment in the eyes of the Echani. The Tribe of Yusanis, the Tribe of Fenni, the Tribe of Lsu and the Tribe of Jax were several of the most powerful Echani tribes, all having retained significant power and inflience throughout their people's history.