| - (Look at Spark D. Sulfur/History for the Origin) Kuma: What The Hell Are You Doing!!? Kuma: For Christ Sakes, Tell Me Why You Don't Want To Leave the Ship!? Sulfur: .......I Was Preparing For the Worst. Lets Go. Kuma: Lougetown. It's a big place I've ever been in. Hey Sul- Kuma: For Heavens sake.... Well, I need to buy some things before we leave anyway. At least we stole some money when those pirates attacked my town. Random Marine Lieutenant: Sir, Captain Jon! Jon: Yes Lieutenant? Random Marine Lieutenant: Sir! We just receaved information that a pirate ship had made port in harbor about 5 minutes ago. What are your orders? Jon: Go and Check it out. Also, warn every officer you see that there might be pirates in town. Sulfur: Dame. I can believe I got distracted. Me of all people. Well, I might as well try and find Ku- ???: Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm in a real hurry! Gotta go! Kuma: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU D-!!!? Sulfur: Shhhhhh. Idiot. I don't want anyone know that anyones up here. Kuma: So, whats the meaning of this? Sulfur: Well, I don't know how I'm going to put this. I think I am i- ???: Did you have to blow it up? Their could have been people in there!? ???: Whatever, thats not my problem. Now come on. We have to report this to Captain Gin . Random Civilian: Hey!! Come on, help me out here!! There could be peopl in th-... Kuma: Come on, Don't die on me now. Hey waky waky Sulfur. Sulfur:...Mmmm... Kuma:Wake, UP!!! Sulfur: Agh! What the F-! To Be Continued....