| - Megan "Meg" Acorn is the wife of New Mobotropolis' ruler, King Elias Acorn, and the mother of his step-daughter Alexis. Because Meg is a commoner, she and any children she has with Elias are not eligible to rule the Kingdom of Acorn. This is okay with her, as she currently resides in New Mobotropolis with her family. She has brown fur and green eyes.
- Meg was originally born and raised in a rural forest village in Feral Forest with her father; Joss, teaching her to be a strong-willed, courageous and self-sufficient individual. One day, a wandering traveler named Elias Acorn came to the village, and he and Meg developed feelings for each other. Meg fell in love with Elias, and agreed to marry him. Shortly before their daughter's birth, Elias' past finally caught up with him when Geoffrey St. John and Hershey the Cat crash-landed their plane nearby the village, having tracked Elias to that location and attacked by Dr. Eggman's E-100 series robots. Meg offered their home to the weary secret agents, but this led to them blowing Elias' cover. (StH: #121)
- Before Elias could take Meg away from the village, Dr. Eggman and his E-105 Series machines attacked, taking them hostage, with Eggman ecstatic over not only capturing Elias's bride, but the King's grandchild as well. Thankfully Sonic the Hedgehog, Elias's sister Sally Acorn and the assembled villagers destroyed the E-105 army and drove Eggman away. Elias resolved to stay with Meg, and disclosed his past to her. Later, Meg gave birth to her child, who they named Alexis. (StH: #121)
| - Meg was originally born and raised in a rural forest village in Feral Forest with her father; Joss, teaching her to be a strong-willed, courageous and self-sufficient individual. One day, a wandering traveler named Elias Acorn came to the village, and he and Meg developed feelings for each other. Meg fell in love with Elias, and agreed to marry him. Shortly before their daughter's birth, Elias' past finally caught up with him when Geoffrey St. John and Hershey the Cat crash-landed their plane nearby the village, having tracked Elias to that location and attacked by Dr. Eggman's E-100 series robots. Meg offered their home to the weary secret agents, but this led to them blowing Elias' cover. (StH: #121) Before Elias could take Meg away from the village, Eggman and his E-100 series machines attacked, taking them hostage, with Eggman ecstatic over not only capturing Elias' bride, but The King's grandchild as well. Thankfully Sonic the Hedgehog, Elias' sister Sally Acorn and the assembled villagers destroyed the E-100 army and drove Eggman away. Elias resolved to stay with Meg, and disclosed his past to her. Later, Meg gave birth to their child, who they named Alexis. (StH: #121) Later, when Sonic came to Elias to convince him to stop Sallys' marriage to Antoine D'Coolette (really Patch in disguise), Meg convinced her reluctant husband to do so after he refused, as the transaction of power could lead to treachery. When Elias arrived at Castle Acorn to announce his intention to take the throne, Patch, noting that Meg and Alexis did not accompany Elias, mentally planned to murder Elias, and later "dispose of" Meg and Alexis to ensure his succession to power. (StH: #155, #156)
- Megan "Meg" Acorn is the wife of New Mobotropolis' ruler, King Elias Acorn, and the mother of his step-daughter Alexis. Because Meg is a commoner, she and any children she has with Elias are not eligible to rule the Kingdom of Acorn. This is okay with her, as she currently resides in New Mobotropolis with her family. She has brown fur and green eyes.
- Before Elias could take Meg away from the village, Dr. Eggman and his E-105 Series machines attacked, taking them hostage, with Eggman ecstatic over not only capturing Elias's bride, but the King's grandchild as well. Thankfully Sonic the Hedgehog, Elias's sister Sally Acorn and the assembled villagers destroyed the E-105 army and drove Eggman away. Elias resolved to stay with Meg, and disclosed his past to her. Later, Meg gave birth to her child, who they named Alexis. (StH: #121) Later, when Sonic came to Elias to convince him to stop Sally's marriage to Antoine D'Coolette (really Patch in disguise), Meg convinced her reluctant husband to do so after he refused, as the transition of power could lead to treachery. When Elias arrived at Castle Acorn to announce his intention to take the throne, Patch, noting that Meg and Alexis did not accompany Elias, mentally planned to murder Elias, and later "dispose of" Meg and Alexis to ensure his succession to power. (StH: #155, #156)