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- The Angara are a sentient species native to the Heleus Cluster in the Andromeda Galaxy.
- Angara ist der erste Kontinent aus Golden Sun. Den Großteil des ersten Teils befindet man sich auf Angara. Dieser Kontinent ist die Heimat der Adepten von Vale und des Merkur-Clans. In seinem Herzen liegt der Aleph-Berg, der das Heiligtum von Sol beherbergt und als Quelle der Alchemie gilt.
- Angara is a fictional landmass in the video game Golden Sun. It is where the first part of the game takes place. It includes multiple cities, such as Vale, Vault, Lunpa, Bilibin, and multiple others. Angara was not present in the game's sequel Golden Sun: The Lost Age.
- Die Angara sind eine intelligente Eingeborenspezies der Andromeda-Galaxie.
- Les Angara sont originaire de la Galaxie Andromède.
- Angara contains the most settlements of any continent in Weyard and is arguably the most highly populated continent as well. One of the Elemental Lighthouses, Mercury Lighthouse, is located on this continent. Seven of the eight main playable Adepts are encountered in Angara, while five of those actually hail from there (namely, Isaac, Garet, Jenna, and Felix come from Vale and Mia comes from Imil; in addition, Ivan, from Contigo in Atteka, is first seen in Vault, and Sheba, from Lalivero in Gondowan, when first seen in Babi's Palace in Tolbi.