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- Chiron era el planeta natal de Lusa, al otro lado de la galaxia desde Belkadan, posiblemente cerca de Munto Codru. Poco antes de que los yuuzhan vong conquistaran Coruscant, Lusa fue asesinada en Chiron por un voxyn.
- In Greek mythology, Chiron (pronounced: /ˈkaɪrən/; also Cheiron or Kheiron) (Greek: Χείρων; "hand") was held to be the superlative centaur among his brethren.
- Chiron is a planet located on the opposite side of its galaxy from Belkadan, and is possibly near Munto Codru. The Chironians evolved here. Shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Coruscant, they struck Chiron as well.
- Chiron (znana także jako 2060 Chiron) – asteroida leżąca w Układzie Słonecznym, pomiędzy Saturnem i Uranem, w grupie asteroid zwanych Centaurem. Z powodu jej nieregularnej orbity, uważana jest za kometę o nazwie 95P/Chiron. Nazwa planetoidy pochodzi od Chirona, jednego z najbardziej znanych centaurów w mitologii greckiej. Chiron wspominany jest w 14 odcinku anime. Był wtedy kryształem kontrolującym ciało młodej tenisistki – Rui Saionji. Nephrite wiedział to i postanowił ukraść jej energię. Użył do tego youmy Tesuni zamkniętej w rakiecie tenisowej dziewczyny.
- Chiron in Greek mythology was a Centaur renowned for his wisdom. In Age of Mythology, he is the Classical Age Hero for Hades, and a stronger version of the Centaur unit. Chiron is also a character in the Fall of the Trident Campaign. The stats in the table are for the regular Chiron, not the one in the Campaign.
- Chiron is very successful player of New Cap City. Heracles used a device to capture a copy of Chiron's avatar. Chiron remained behind while Heracles and Tamara Adama disappeared. After they used the stolen avatar to access Chiron's in-game bank account, the two returned to see Vesta, who was now occupying the virtual restaurant spot formerly occupied by Chiron. ("There is Another Sky") It is unknown what happened to Chiron, but it is implied that he was dethroned.
- Chiron is a child of Cronus. He is a Centaur who was fathered by Cronus and a mare. As a child of Cronus he was much more civilized than the other centuars and was skilled in medicine and healing. He lived on Mount Pelion and taught many famous heroes, such as Achilles, Peleus, Jason, Heracles etc.
- Chiron is a world in the Terran Dominion. Years following the End War, 1.2 million terrans on the planet were still without hypernet access, leading Kate Lockwell to speculate whether or not the Terran Dominion could be doing more to help the population.
- In the series, Chiron is said to have been a hero at one point. But in traditional Greek Mythology, Chiron was never a hero. He was a healer, an astronomer and a philosopher. But he did train many who went on to be Greek Heroes, so calling him a hero trainer was not inaccurate.
- Chiron is the activities director at Camp Half-Blood. The son of Kronos, he is the centaur trainer of heroes from Greek mythology, including Hercules, Jason, and Achilles. Chiron is also known as Mr. Brunner.
- Chiron is a minor character in TRON: Evolution - Battle Grids. He is a Basic program.
- Chiron is a song By All That Remains {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- Chiron, Themis – nazwa hipotetycznego księżyca Saturna. Miał go zaobserwować w kwietniu 1861 roku Hermann Goldschmidt. Astronom zasugerował, jakoby odkrył księżyc krążący między orbitami Tytana i Hyperiona. Nie zostało to jednak nigdy potwierdzone. W kwietniu 1905 William Henry Pickering również zaobserował ciało krążące między orbitami Tytana i Hyperiona, nazwał je jednak Themis. Podobnie, jak 44 lata wcześniej, nie udało się udowodnić odkrycia.
- Chiron is the son of Cronus, one of the Titans, and Philyra, a minor ocean-goddess. Chiron was born as a centaur, possibly because Cronus had taken the form of a horse to seduce Philyra, the daughter of Oceanus, another Titan. Raised by the Titaness, Rhea, Chiron became the teacher and mentor of many of the younger gods of Olympus after Cronus was ousted from Olympus from Zeus. He also trained and educated several mortal heroes such as Jason, Asclepius, Actaeon ond Peleus. Chiron also showed Peleus how to woo the goddess Thetis as a bride and raised their son, Achilles, to be the greatest of all mortal heroes. While Chiron was introducing Hercules to young Achilles, he scratched himself with one of the arrows which Hercules had dipped into the blood of the Hydra while analyzing it. The wou
- Chiron is a centaur reknowed for his wisdom. In Fall of the Trident he is freed by Arkantos and Ajax from bandits in Ioklos and afterwards joins the heroes in their quest. Upon the heroes' following Gargarensis through the Norse entrance to Erebus, he dies in an attempt to assure the escape of the others from pursuing minions of Gargarensis. He topples a large boulder in the path of the minions as a means of blocking their way, but the boulder also blocks his path, and, hopelessly outnumbered, Chiron is killed.