| - Onigawara Yuutarou is your average high school kid, a bit on the quiet, kind-hearted side. One night, he walks through an arcane ritual and ends up summoning a demon, Slayer, who will grant him 3 wishes. Horrified by Slayer's violence, Yuutarou wishes for Slayer to stop using his demon powers, turning him into a human. Now Slayer's stuck with Yuutarou in a perfect personality mismatch, and to top things off, if one of them gets hurt, so does the other. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Live may refer to the following:
* Ugress live shows
* Ableton Live This page is a disambiguation page; a list of articles that might otherwise share the same title.
- Queen often performed live and went on tours.
- Top trumps packs to play online
- Live is a software development term that is used to describe the current build that has been released into production. In layman's terms, it is the latest set of changes to the game, i.e., "The item was never released for live; it only existed in Beta." This is also contrasted with the PTR build.
- Live, or Rick Wakeman Live is a DVD/Video by Rick Wakeman. It was released in 1998. "Recorded at Nottingham Studios for Central Television. It was good fun at the time. Says it all really!!! Well there are other live performances I would rather have in my collection to be honest. The Strawbs recorded a show in the same series although I haven't seen it." - Rick Wakeman
- Live is a software development term that is used to describe the current build that has been released into production. In layman's terms, it is the latest set of changes to the game, i.e., "The item was never released for live; it only existed in Beta." This is also contrasted with the builds released on the Public test realm.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Live]] libban, lifian (“‘to live’”)
- right LIVE – plakat, znajdujący się w Portland, w Grand Theft Auto III. Nie wiadomo konkretnie, co promuje, widnieje na nim czarnoskóry mężczyzna z fryzurą w stylu afro. Kategoria:Reklamy
- LivE是一首初於《アイドルマスター マストソングス 赤盤》登場的電子遊戲音樂。
- Live é unha banda estadounidense de post-grunge procedente de York, Pennsylvania, composta por Ed Kowalczyk (voces e guitarra), Chad Taylor (guitarra), Patrick Dahlheimer (baixo) e Chad Gracey (batería e percusión).
- Live is a compilation album featuring Duran Duran, released in Italy by EMI during 1986.
- Ostatnio dowiedziałem się, co to jest tulpa. Istota w naszej głowie. Na początku myślałem, że to fikcja. Potem dowiedziałem się, że znajoma rzekomo posiada tulpę. Na swoim profilu napisała, że ma dwie tulpy, ale nie brałem tego na poważnie. Pewnego dnia z nudów wszedłem na jej profil i dostrzegłem wiadomość z zapytaniem, „Jak to jest mieć tulpę?” Wtedy uwierzyłem, że to jest możliwe. Czytałem o tulpie w Internecie. Pisali oni, że stworzenie jej wymaga wielogodzinnej medytacji. Ale nad czym miałem medytować? Tego nie wiedziałem. Musiałem się domyślić. Zacząłem po prostu spróbować stworzyć osobę. Jej charakter i tak dalej. Myślicie, czemu chciałem stworzyć tulpę? Czy to nie jest dziwne? Być może… Ale dowiedziałem się, że tulpa to nasza podświadomość. Można by tylko spojrzeć na kartkę i już w
- Live is the younger brother of Dead who is also a fellow G.C. from Novas who currently resides at Hexas as both the island of Hexas and Novas are inflicted with the curse of the Needle Tower made by Hail where his region in Hexas appears at day while in his older brother's region in Novas appears at night.