Initially revealed at the E3 2010 trade show in Los Angeles, Resident Evil: Revelations was directed by Resident Evil 5 co-designer Koushi Nakanishi and produced by Masachika Kawata and Takayuki Hama. Tsukasa Takenaka, who provided the story background and in-game files for Resident Evil 5, joined the team as assistant producer. According to Kawata, the title would see a return to the classic exploration and puzzle-solving of earlier series installments, with more emphasis put on horror.
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| - Resident Evil: Revelations/development
| - Initially revealed at the E3 2010 trade show in Los Angeles, Resident Evil: Revelations was directed by Resident Evil 5 co-designer Koushi Nakanishi and produced by Masachika Kawata and Takayuki Hama. Tsukasa Takenaka, who provided the story background and in-game files for Resident Evil 5, joined the team as assistant producer. According to Kawata, the title would see a return to the classic exploration and puzzle-solving of earlier series installments, with more emphasis put on horror.
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| - Initially revealed at the E3 2010 trade show in Los Angeles, Resident Evil: Revelations was directed by Resident Evil 5 co-designer Koushi Nakanishi and produced by Masachika Kawata and Takayuki Hama. Tsukasa Takenaka, who provided the story background and in-game files for Resident Evil 5, joined the team as assistant producer. According to Kawata, the title would see a return to the classic exploration and puzzle-solving of earlier series installments, with more emphasis put on horror. It was revealed that Dai Sato, who worked on Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo was responsible for the plot in Revelations. He was also responsible for the creation of the two new characters, Keith and Quint.