| - Raki is a Nord member of the Fighters Guild. She is the hall steward of their guildhall in Fort Amol.
- Categoría:Plantilla de personaje viejaRaki (羅喜, Raki) es la aprendiz de Kiki, a quien ayuda a traer el material para reparar las Cloths. Luego es acompañada por el grupo de Santos de Athena que viaja en búsqueda de uno de las ruinas de los elementos para destruir los reactores que ha puesto el dios de la guerra, Mars para succionar el cosmos del planeta.
- A Maid Droid charged with the tower's maintenance and security, though she seems to have gone haywire late in the game. She is similar to Mei Mei and Kanade from the first Ar Tonelico tower. She and Reki appear identical, but their personalities differ greatly.
- Raki is the main male protagonist in the manga/anime series Claymore. He is a human whose family was eaten by yoma and was saved by Clare. He was allowed to travel and is very close to her, wishing to be able to help her fight and protect her like she protected him. As a result, he is one of the few significant ordinary humans in the series. Initially, he is unable to fight, but after the time-skip, he has become able to take on regular Yoma with relative ease. He is voiced by Motoki Takagi in the Japanese version of the anime and Todd Haberkorn in the English version.
- Raki (羅喜?) is a young girl from the people of Jamir. Using her psychokinesis, she helps the main Bronze Saints and Aria during their journey. Raki is apprentice to Aries Kiki , who was trained by Aries Mu in Kuramada's original manga.
- Raki(ラキ) is a human whose family was eaten by yoma and was saved by Clare. He is allowed and is very close to her, wishing to be able to help her fight and protect her from ophilia. After the seven-year time skip, he is one of the Ghosts.
- She has dirty-blonde hair that is curled at the end, indigo-purple eyes, and light skin. She normally wears a simple outfit that consists of a styled shirt, a belt, and thin leggings.
- With their lightning reflexes and scholastic minds, these fox-people have come to make a place for themselves on the world of Telon. When their own world was torn assunder by the ravenous ulvari, they fled to Kojan by way of the portal of Nik'tarin. The reclusive wood elves took in the fox-people into their home of Ca'ial Brael and allowed them to begin rebuilding a life for themselves. The raki have given as much as they have taken, however, as a bond they established with the wood elves shields the elven forest from ulvari incursions.
- Raki. Tak nazywano dawniej wiersze, które wspak czytane mają sens odmienny, zwykle ubliżający. Były one ulubioną formą paszkwilów, krążących po kraju na niemiłe narodowi osoby i wpisywanych zwykle w pamiętniki domowe XVI i XVII wieku, zwane pospolicie Silva rerum. Raki na serce królowej Maryi Ludwiki zaczynały się od wiersza: ,,Marja w cnotach nie umarła, ale...” Wiersz powyższy wspak czytany brzmi: ,,Ale umarła nie w cnotach Marja...” Jan Kochanowski wśród fraszek swoich pomieścił znany dziesięciowiersz p. n. Raki, będący surową satyrą na niewiasty: Wiersz ten czytany wspak będzie brzmiał:
nature type
| - Earth Release, Fire Release, Steel Release, Lava Release, Lightning Release, Wind Release, Water Release, Yin Release, Yang Release,